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Military court in Puntland sentences 14 Al Shabaab members to death

Sunday April 9, 2023


Garowe (HOL) - A military court in Puntland sentenced 14 men to death on Saturday after being convicted of being members of the militant insurgent group Al-Shabaab.

  •     Abukar Abdi Issaman (Gobe), 52, son of Khadijo Barre Moaliim, born in Mogadishu.
  •     Salad Abdullahi Abdi, 28, son of Hamido Omar, born in Galkayo.
  •     Hasan Muse Ahmed (Nini), 24, son of Asiyo Sheikh Ahmed, born in Galkayo.
  •     Abdikhaliq Warsame Barre (Madakhey), 26, son of Surer Abdi, born in Galkayo.
  •     Farhan Faysal Salaad Hirsi, 19, son of Ubax Ahmed Weheliye, born in Galkayo.
  •     Abdullahi Faisal Hussein, 19, son of Hali Mohamed Hashi, born in Galkayo.
  •     Barkhad Awil Hirsi Noor, 19, son of Saadiyo Salad, born in Galkayo.
  •     Cade Abdullahi Mohamed Ilmi, 22, son of Sadiyo Mohamed, born in Galkayo.
  •     Abdiqani Saleeban Jama Farah (Sayloor), 23, son of Abshiro Yusuf Hirsi, born in Garowe.
  •     Hassan Jama Mohamed Ali (Hasan), 25, son of Ruqiyo Mohamed Hashi, born in Mogadishu.
  •     Mohamed Ali Ahmed Muse, 24, son of Nour Hussein, born in Galkayo.
  •     Liban Adan Muse Ade, 20, son of Nimco Hassan Mahdi, born in Galkayo.
  •     Abdiqani Farhan Abdullahi, 18, son of Khadro Mohamed, born in Galkayo.
  •     Abdirahman Awil Ahmed, 18, son of Samsam Saleebaan, born in Galkayo.

The court also sentenced Abdihakin Jama Hassan Dhere, 52, son of Maryan Ahmed, who was born in Galkayo, to 20 years in prison.

Last month, the same military court executed thirteen men for carrying out terror crimes on behalf of Al Shabaab or ISIS.


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