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Puntland leader meets US ambassador in Bossaso

Hiiraan Online
Monday April 1, 2019


Bosaso (HOL) - The president of the semi-autonomous regional state of Puntland, Said Abdullahi Deni on Sunday met with U.S. ambassador to Somalia, Donald Yamamoto in Bosaso town.

According to a statement released by Puntland state, the two leaders discussed wide range issues.

The meeting was attended by several Puntland ministers including Puntland ministers for Interior and Security.

Puntland Interior minister, Mohamed Abdullahi Dabanad said the sides discussed on the US security assistance to Puntland, economics and Humanitarians.

“Today, 31st of March, the ambassador of the United States to Somalia, Donald Yamamoto has visited Bosaso town and held meeting with the president of Puntland state, Said Abdullahi and number of his cabinet members,” the minister said, “In their meeting They talked about US assistance to Somalia, security, humanitarian, improving economy and stabilization of the country.”

The minister noted that the ambassador commended the Puntland state authorities for their commitment to improving the security and development in the state.


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