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U.N. mulls protection of civilians in armed conflict

The U.N. Security Council held on Tuesday an open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, with U.N. officials and council members urging more international efforts in this area.


During the open meeting, the 15-member council heard a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's latest report on the subject.


The report contains an update on progress made in implementing Security Council resolution 1674, adopted in April 2006, which calls for council action to protect civilians in armed conflict, and strengthening the framework for the protection of civilians elaborated by the council and other partners in recent years.


Speaking at the debate, Ban called on the international community to ensure the protection of civilians in armed conflict, proposing the establishment of a working group in the U.N. Security Council to oversee related efforts.


"The protection of civilians is and must remain an absolute priority," Ban stressed, saying that he had proposed in the report the establishment of a Security Council working group on the protection of civilians.


"I believe the establishment of such a group is an important next step, perhaps even an inevitable next step, in the evolution of the council's consideration of the protection of civilians," he said.


"It would not only underline the council's commitment to this cause, it would give practical meaning to your commitment. It would ensure more timely and systematic consideration of the protection of civilians in the council's deliberations. And it would assist the council to move decisively towards practical implementation," the U.N. chief said.


Holmes said that the creation of the working group would mark anew phase in the council's efforts to protect civilians, adding that he would like to see a regular forum for timely consultation on the protection of civilians between the council and relevant U.N. departments.


Chinese Ambassador Liu Zhenmin said that despite conventions and United Nations resolutions, large numbers of civilians were still being devastated by armed conflicts, which now encompassed changing characteristics and an emergence of complex historical, political, religious and resource-related factors.


"We strongly urge parties to conflicts to strictly abide by the international humanitarian law and the relevant Security Council resolutions and fulfill their corresponding obligations to protecting the life, property and legitimate interest of civilians," Liu said.


Liu emphasized that civilian protection should be bolstered by enhancing the role of governments and international bodies, as well as by attaching importance to conflict prevention.


"The Security Council should continue to fulfill its primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security in accordance with the U.N. Charter and play its unique role in the protection of civilians," Liu said, adding that governments' rolesin protecting civilians should be respected, and humanitarian relief work should be carried out in a judicious and effective manner.


Citing the grave problem of internal and external displacement,Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin said it was not only states thathad a responsibility to protect civilians, but non-state actors, as well.


Security contractors, such as those in Iraq, should also be held accountable and comply with the norms of international law, he said, adding that Russia welcomed the initiatives of Switzerland and the International Committee of the Red Cross to consider a relevant response to armed contractors.


Source: Xinhua, November 21, 2007


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