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2023 Milestones: A Pivotal Year as President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed Secures Momentous Gains for Somalia
By Deeq S Yusuf
Wednesday December 20, 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the year has been marked by momentous events marking major milestones by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (HSM) that will solidify and secure Somalia’s stability, development, independence and sovereignty. Due to HSM’s tireless efforts, Somalia has in a span of few months secured debt relief, attained ascension into the East African Community (EAC) and succeeded in getting the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to lift the crippling three decades-old arms embargo on Somalia. Further, the December 12, 2023, Somalia Security Conference hosted by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud at the UN Headquarters and attended by large contingent comprising Somalia’s international partners has been hailed as a pivotal moment in the advancement on the security front representing hope for Somalia and the entire region.

Debt Relief

After decade-old lobbying at the global and multi-lateral levels initiated by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud  during his first-term administration, The Executive Boards of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) finally approved the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative Completion Point for Somalia, which provides total debt service saving of US$4.5 billion for the country . Following HIPC Completion Point, Somalia’s external debt has fallen from 64 percent of GDP in 2018 to less than 6 percent of GDP by end of 2023. According to the Bretton Woods Institutions, this debt relief will facilitate access to critical additional financial resources that will help Somalia strengthen its economy, reduce poverty, and promote job creation.

Managing debt is critically important to any country, big or small, advanced or developing. While fiscal doomsayers have portended that Somalia cannot negotiate itself out of its mounting debt, it is worth noting that a debt crisis of any magnitude is not unique to Somalia or other developing nations. Even the United States, the world’s biggest economy has often struggled with mounting debt over the decades. As of May 2023, the US was on record to owing over $31 trillion in debt, mostly to private lenders. To avoid a default in economically distressing times, Congress has to lift the debt ceiling to enable the US to borrow more money to finance its debt and sustain national programs. 

It is estimated that if the US defaults on its current debt, it could lead to massive job losses across the States while the government would not be able to pay for social and welfare programs including education, healthcare and related benefits. Worse still, a US debt default would have a ripple effect on the global economy and may lead to collapse of financial markets and global stocks.  If a debt crisis can be catastrophic for the US and its trading partners, it would be cataclysmic for Somalia’s fragile economy. Had Somalia’s heavy indebtedness not been addressed in time, it could certainly have derailed its national agenda, including, peace, security and stabilization, economic development and delivery of basic services to most of its socially-deprived citizens. Like the US, a debt crisis in Somalia would lead to job losses and plunge the country into prolonged recession.  Fully cognizant of these facts, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud made the pursuit of debt relief one of his key economic and national development priorities.

As stated by HSM, the debt relief came on the back of notable economic reforms. In a well-penned, brilliantly articulated, widely read article that appeared on the UK’s Guardian Newspaper, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said that “Somalia's debt relief process has been nearly a decade of cross governmental efforts spanning three political administrations. This is a testament to our national commitment and prioritization of this crucial and enabling agenda. ”  “For Somalia to move forward in the positive economic direction we all needed, we had to reform our laws, systems, policies, and practices. Reaching the HIPC Completion Point is the fruit of these reforms. When my government committed to the reform program nearly a decade ago, this was the result we envisaged.

Ascension to the East African Community (EAC)

HSM has steadfastly pursued progressive policies aimed at pulling Somalia from regional and international isolation. After failed attempts in 2016 and 2019, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud re-energized Somalia’s quest to join the East African Community (EAC) creating much needed momentum that has seen the bloc’s leaders fast-track the verification of Somalia’s application to join the group. In July 2022, HSM delivered a rousing speech during the EAC Heads of State Summit held in Arusha, Tanzania, highlighting Somalia’s key selling points including the vast presence and penetration of Somali enterprise in the EAC market, its vast natural and maritime resources as well as its strategic long coastline straddling both the Indian Ocean and Red Sea.

HSM has since his re-election for a historic second term in May last year, embarked on an aggressive campaign to seek Somalia’s entry into the regional bloc.  The decade old endeavor was eventually made fruitful by HSM’s relentless pursuit of EAC membership. Last Friday, Somalia signed the Treaty of Accession signaling its official entry into the East African Community as the eighth member state. As reported by the East African, The Treaty of Accession was signed by Somalia’s President Sheikh Hassan Mohamud and the chairperson of the Summit of EAC Heads of State, President Salva Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan at a ceremony held on December 15 at Entebbe State house in Uganda and witnessed by President Yoweri Museveni and the EAC Secretary General Peter Mathuki.

President Kiir noted that Somalia is joining a regional economic bloc that has recorded significant achievement in all its four pillars of integration (Customs union, common market, monetary union and political federation). President Mohamud pledged to support the integration process that would see his people benefit from the free movement of goods, people and services between Mogadishu and the rest of the partner states.

“Today is a day of immense pride as we celebrate Somalia’s admission to the EAC. This community is where Somalia belongs to. It symbolises the realisation of our collective aspirations and it’s a beacon of hope for a future filled with opportunities ,” said President Mohamud at the ascension ceremony.

“Somalia’s integration will strengthen people to people connection benefiting East Africa in various aspects. Somalia is already here. Today we have been newly born for purposes of legitimacy and legalisation  ” He added.

Lifting of UN Arms Embargo

Recognizing the benchmarks reached on implementing the security transition, the Somalia Transition Plan and the national security architecture, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on December 1st, unanimously adopted a resolution lifting the three decades old arms embargo on the Federal Government of Somalia. Resolution 2714 (2023) called on called on the Federal Government of Somalia to, inter alia, implement the national weapons-and-ammunition-management strategy and promote further professionalization, training and capacity-building for all Somali security and police. Further, it urged the Federal Government to take all measures necessary to ensure that weapons, ammunition and military equipment imported for use by certain national forces, as well as by licensed private security companies, are not resold, transferred or made available for use to any individual or entity not in their service .  Council members commended Somalia for the progress made in weapons and ammunition management, which has been recognized in the resolution.

The resolution underscores the international community’s confidence in HSM government’s ability to implement and maintain a functional weapons regime that will restrict the flow of arms into the wrong hands include their use by terrorists and criminal elements. After working tirelessly for the lifting of the long-standing embargo, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud hailed the adoption of the resolution, saying the embargo lift means Somalia is now free to purchase any weapons needed,” adding that “friendly nations and allies” can now provide the terror fighting country with the necessary weapons without any limitations or restrictions. The lifting of the embargo will enhance HSM’s drive to defeat and eradicate Al-Shabab by end of 2024. It also means Somalia can now procure heavy weaponry and modern military equipment that will significantly increase its armed forces combat capabilities. The Somali National Army (SNA) and its allied community forces can now terminally eradicate the terror group while readying itself to take over the country’s security responsibilities at the end of the ATMIS mandate expected to conclude at the end of next year.

Security analysts around the world have lauded HSM’s efforts in securing this breakthrough, emphasizing its role in strengthening the country's defence capabilities and advancing the fight against terrorism. HSM reassured the UNSC that his government will make sure that it controls and manages the flow of weapons, aiming to reduce misuse and illegal purchase of weapons by individuals rather than the government adding the Council’s move will support Somalia's efforts in maintaining peace, fostering stability, and promoting economic development.

Somalia Security Conference

International observers have hailed the Somalia Security Conference led by President HSM and attended by his international partners that took place at the UN Headquarters in New York on December 12 as a momentous event that marks an important milestone in Somalia’s journey towards independence and sovereignty. According to the UN, the historic conference garnered participation from representatives of 28 countries, including entities like the African Union, European Union, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Nations and the United States of America. This widespread representation showcased a commitment to supporting Somalia’s future.

The UN Mission in Somalia noted that the conference was “a turning point for Somalia as it aimed to establish lasting peace and stability. All participants expressed support for Somalia’s sovereignty and unity while acknowledging the progress made by the nation over the past year. The commendable vision of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in developing its security sector was recognized as a step towards empowering Somalia to take control of its security affairs and strengthen its stability .”

“A notable outcome of this conference was the advancement, on the security front.

The combined efforts of the forces, in Somalia, local community forces and international partners have achieved outcomes. This cooperative approach highlights the effectiveness of working to address security issues and emphasizes the significance of unity in ensuring peace and stability within Somalia” added the statement by UNSOM .

The Somalia Security Conference 2023 “serves as evidence of the community’s commitment to supporting Somalia in its pursuit of a prosperous future. The collaborative spirit observed at the conference lays the groundwork for support and engagement with Somalia fostering its path towards lasting peace and self reliance in matters of security. This event represents a ray of hope not for Somalia but for the entire region demonstrating the strength of collective efforts, in overcoming challenges and establishing a more secure world ” concluded the statement.

A Future in Technocracy

In securing Somalia’s gains, the Somali Federal Government must move fast to strengthen its technocratic base to ensure that the momentous events of 2023 translate into long-term endeavor
that can sustain Somalia’s relentless march towards peace and prosperity. In speeding up the sate-building process, the President can revamp his cabinet and bureaucracy through a much -needed reshuffle that should bring in more qualified, capable personnel into the government.

The Somali public has been angling for the establishment of a more competent, technocratic government capable of pulling the beleaguered nation from its political quagmire and economic doldrums.  Somalia’s future hopes lies in its technocratic base. Technocracy creates a conducive environment to building a capable state that can effectively solve the myriad of problems facing Somalia. Further, a state steeped in meritocracy and technocracy will develop the institutional capacity required to rebuild federal institutions, restore peace and order, unite, and reconcile the people, and complete the constitutional review process. Ideally, the country is in need of technocratic leadership that can kickstart and revamp the economy, mend federal-state relations, forge better relations with neighbours and work collaboratively with the international community on key issues of concern to Somalia.

As he steers Somalia towards dizzier heights, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud can build on his 2023 momentous gains by turning 2024 and beyond into a new era of technocratic ascendancy. With HSM at the helm, Somalia is staring at a brighter future as it moves to consolidate domestic gains while contributing to regional initiatives and mutually advancing its national interests at the global level.

The cumulative gains made thus far, begs a further question. Where does Somalia stand at the end of 2023?  As has often been said, the road to Canaan is always littered with obstacles. In proverbial terms, Somalis now appear to be on the verge of crossing the Jordan River, a remarkable feat in itself. But beyond the river, they still need to find an unimpeded path to the Promised Land. HSM has done his part of the bargain. It is time for Somalis to unite, put their act together and rally behind their high performing, visionary President.

Deeq S Yusuf
[email protected]


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