Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Some New Reflections And the Hees


by Dr. Abdirahman Beile
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dear colleagues,

I would like to share with you today, the lyrics of a maanso I call “MAANTA WAA DHARAAR KALE” with a short briefing on the occasion that prompted me to do it.

About a month ago or so June 26th and July1st 2015 came and passed sheepishly. Dates that are, lamentably, losing their value in the history of the “Somali’. These are treasurable days for me and I always celebrate them, and in my own way. In my own way, basically because they always catch me overseas and, usually, in places where there are very few Somalis, if any.

June 26th and 1st July, 2015 found me in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. So, as I normally do, I celebrated them by listening to the very rich and emotionally charged Flag and Independence songs and poems, with some general patriotic literature on Somalia as well. I often conclude my celebrations by taking the family out to dinner. As I sat in my small corner of my home and listened to these songs, and as I went deeper into the history of this occasion, I pondered and reflected on how Somalis cherished these dates in the past, in contrast to the situation of utter apathy prevailing today.  Many questions came to my mind of what sort of devilish factors could force a society, which is otherwise  very homogeneous and cohesive, like ours, to a situation of incalculable divisions and animosity. I watched just the week before, a debate by some audacious Somalis, arguing against the need, altogether, of celebrating 26th June, the first day of Somali Independence, any longer! I expected everything else but not to deny the value of this day in the history of the Somali people.

The poems and songs I listed to included:

1.         Sarreeyoow ma nusqaamoow

            Aaan siduu yahay eegee

            Kaana siib kanna saar

By Abdiullahi Suldaan Tima Cadde (AHUN)

2.         Dhoombbirkiyo billaawaha

            haddayskula dhaqaaqdaan

            nimba dhalasho kii xigay

hadduu dhuunta kaga mudo

By Ali Elmi Afyare

       3.  Cirkaygu  markuu hanqadho

                        hillaaciisu is qabsado

                        daruuruhu hibitiqaan

                        xareedda haraaciga ah

                        haddii la qabo harraad!!

By Hassan Gany

4.         Hal la qalay raqdeedaa

                        lagu soo qamaamoo


                        nimba qurub haleeloo

                        laba walliba qaybteed

qorraxday ku dubatee…

qosol wuxu ka joogaa

qubanaha dambbeeyee

wali qaba hamuuntee

buuraha qotada dheer

ka arkaaya qiiqee

qarka soo jafaaya..

by Hadraawi

iyo qaar kale oo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin

5.         Waa malin Cad oon madoobayn

Waa maalin Ilaahay maansheeyee

Magowdoo candhadii Gullaha mariisee

An maallo hasheenna mandeeq (ever wondered what happened to Manadeeq? Think about it!)

Qaaday:  Mohamed Ahmed Kuluc (AHUN)

6.         Dhaaxaan gunnimiyo dhibbaato mutoo

Dhoomaha la’iga saaray dhinacyada

            dharaartaan waxyeelladii dhaqdhaqeen

            Calanka dhidbbay soow ma soo dhicin?

            Dhaaxaan baqay sidan dhufaan ahay                         Dhaaxuu gaalku qaatay dheeraad oo

            Anoon dhiman maalkii la’iga dhaxlee

            Dharaartii xaqayga laydhigay een

            Calanka dhidbbay soow ma soo dhicin


This song, in particular, with the quite potent voice of Mohamed Suleiman Tubeec (AHUN), is extremely moving to me. It hits me like a ton of rocks any time I listen to it. ! Man! If this song does not shake you up with emotions, you are either too young and totally oblivious to the history of the people called “Somalis”, or you are utterly hopeless and deserve to be whipped!

So, I thought, if these were the sort of lyrics found appropriate to celebrate June 26th and July1, 1960, what would be the sort of lyrics that can fully capture the pathetic situation of today, June 26th and July 1st, 2015?

Here is my take for June and July 2015:

Heestii  Maanta waa dharaar kale

Dr. Abdirahman Beileh   June 26th and July 1st, 2015.

1.                  Calankaan dhidbay maalintaan dhufsadeen

Intaan qurub-qurub u kala dhigay

Dhexdayda ku  qaatay dhinacyada

la dhawrtaystay soow ma soo dhici.

2.                  Dharaartaan walaalkay dhaar la galay

Dharaartaan walaalkay daar u dhisay

Dharaartaan u buuxshay dhiilaha

Isagu ku adkaystay dheeraad

Een U wada dhiibay soow ma soo dhicin

3.                  Dharaartaan dhibaato weyn riday

Dharaataan schoolladii dhababay

Alloo iga dhaafa mooyaane

Dhashaydii cunay sow ma soo dhicin

4.                  Dharaartaan macbuud u dhaar-galay een

Dhismahaha waddankayga meel dhigay een

Dhegxumo doortay soow ma soo dhicin

5.                  Dharaartii xaqayga lay dhigay een

Dhac iyo tuugu baanankii u dheceen

Anigu dhergay sow ma soo dhicin eey


6.                  Dhawaaqa shucuurta heesaha

Dharaartaan is dhaafiyeen nacay

Is-dhigatiray soow ma soo dhicin

7.                  Dharaartaan run mooday dhalateed ee

Dhadada u maleeyey roob dhaba een

Ka dhaasnsaday soow ma soo dhicin

8.                  Dharaartaan is mooday wiil dhalada

Dhaqaaqeen facay ku dherersday ee

La’iwada dhaafay soow ma soo dhicin eey

9.                  Dharartay SYL soo dhicisay

Dharaartaan u daadshay dhiig badan

Haddana kacay een is-dhalan-rogay

Wax dhooqeeyey soow ma soo dhicineey

10.              Dhunkaal iyo dhoombbir xoog badan

Annoy dhincayga  yaallaan

Dharaartaan dhufaamay reer hebel

Een ku dhiidhiyey soow ma soo dhicin

11.              Waxaan hengel iyo wacdaro dhigay

dharaartii adduunku dhaygagay

Dhiiggooda da’aaya reer hebel

Si aan halaq iyo dhurwaa ahay

Ku dhaashaday soow ma soow dhicineey

12.              Dharaatii xogtayda loo dhacay

Cadaawuhu dhoomaha isugay

Een is wada dhiibay soow ma soo dhicin

“Subxaan Allaah”

Brothers and sisters, tell me what you do not agree in these lyrics!!

Nabad iyo Caano

Dr. Abdirahman Beileh
[email protected]


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