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Suicide Attacks: Is This A Muslim Thing???

by Abdulaziz Ahmed
Sunday, July 19, 2009

When Asymmetric battling got out of hand, and the underdog took the battle a bit too far, the gloves came off; terrorism was born.

First and foremost (So we get this out of the way:) Terrorism is the dirty part of Asymmetric warfare.

Readers must know that Asymmetric warfare is legal as long as rules of war is respected.

A) Dropping/infiltrating highly trained but small group of fighters behind enemy line.

B) Selective battles, in which the Underdog chooses when, where, and how long the battle takes.

C) Hit And Run.

D) Sabotage/Espionage.

E) Reconnaissance.

F) Surveillance.

G) Observe/Scout.

H) Hits On High Profile Person/s, Or Target/s Of Opportunity

I) Harassment (Usually at night, or on Holidays).

All of the above are somewhat conventional ways of waging such wars.

Asymmetric warfare is psychological warfare, it is designed to demoralize the apposing force to the core. Hopelessness, the war would seem unwinnable. And any effort of movements by the Topdog to control the underdog fails. Frustrated in vain, by the time the lowest ranked soldier of the Topdog mumbles “What are we doing here?” The Topdog has already lost the war.

Omar Mukhtar (Alla Ya Rahman) Perfected Asymmetric warfare and almost brought Italy to her knees. Omar Mukhtar, a Qur'an Teacher went against Italy after Italy carpet-bombed Tripoli, killing large amount of people. 20yrs of struggle against Italy, Omar Mukhtar always remained humble to his people. "From Allah we have come, and to Allah we will return." was one of his most favorite Motto, “They have the tools of power, we have the Power of Allah and the sand” was another one of his quotes. Omar Mukhtar has never committed a crime against humanity. “He was honest, noble and a decent human being by nature” is what the Italian men who tortured him for three days said about him. They also said “He was resilient, steadfast and overwhelming.” They even confessed, that he looked them in eyes and recited verses of peace from the Qur'an while they torture him. Omar Mukhtar was brought down, not by the Italian, but by his fellow Muslim, who were paid tracers. Omar Mukhtar was hanged in public by the Italian.

It is also the fact, a soldier would self-sacrifice at times of war if viable: whether it is the Dutch lieutenant who blows up the ship at the harbor to kill as many Belgium Soldiers as he could, or the Knights of Templar blowing up their ship along with 140 of their fellow shipmen so they could kill 10 times as many Muslim soldiers, or the Prussian soldier strapping himself with dynamites, running into the Danish fortification, penetrating it, or as recently as the Kamikaze; suicide bombing has been in the use before the Muslims.

A dirty Asymmetric warfare becomes terrorism, when right intermingles with wrong. A Good example is the IRA Paramilitary wing, the Irgun terrorist wing, Tamil Tiger, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Etc.

Even though, terrorism is used by all religions and races for the sake of preserving one's faith and purity, its always been clear that the name “Terrorist” has never been put behind a name of a religion, race, or ethnicity by the mass-media until Muslim fundamentalists jumped on the band-wagon, which is just 40yrs ago. Matter of fact, to make sure the world community gets it, the western Media unethically prefer the name “Muslim Terrorists,” rather than just calling it “Doodah & Doodly Terrorists.” Because once a terrorist attacks, your faith will not save you, and everyone falls victim: I don't have the exact number but many Muslims died on 9/11 in the World Trade Center.

Another example of the media bias would be the “Hamas vs Israel” violence, when Hamas attacks its always painted as terrorism act by the media, but when Israel attacks it is called “Defending Israel's right to exist.” act, to make it sound more innocent than it really is, even though the death-toll on the Palestinian side is 100 to 1 ratio: When 1 Jew dies in hands of the Arabs, 100s of Arabs pay with their lives for death of that one Jew. This is not coincidental, this is on the normal basis. “If you kill one us we'll kill 100 of you.” is Israeli Motto. Every time Hamas sends a 50lb rocket to Israel, Israel retaliates by dropping 500lb bomb to Palestine, killing 100s.

Also, there were at times when the topdog would terrorize the underdog; for a statement, sort of like closing the show with a Big-Bang, like the Fat Man and Little Boy: Japan was losing the war in hurry. When Iwo Jima fell it started the dominoes effect on Japan's mainland, and in two months (If not less,) The Rising Sun would raise the white flag and tapout. Over 2 million of Japanese Soldiers lost, the emperor broke, and once a proud nation now suffering humiliation; even if the US ceased to advance many people would agree Japan couldn't survive as a nation, let along recover from it's loses. Japan would skid straight into civil-war. Also, Russia is now done with the Nazi Germany, attacks Japan from north and east, and threatens invasion. Other nations Japan once conquered prior the war are now out for revenge. Hitler, Japan's main Ally has lost his war and MIA. So is Benito, hanging from the feet with his mistress next to him at the main Piatza. Japan was walking-dead and could not sustain the onslaught attack on it's people by 24/7 air-raids. Japan lacked the means and the will to continue the war. So, what was the big idea of dropping, not one, but two A-Bombs on a dying foe? The answer? A Statement. Both Fat Man (Uranium) and Little Boy (Plutonium) made enough statement (According to the historians) prevented WWIII from happening and brought US/Japan war to screeching halt. See, Russia and US did not get along well ever since Russia got ripped off by the US with a fast-one (The Alaska Purchase.) And when Berlin fell, suspicions between the two grew even bigger, that one day, one of them would attack the other. So, Mr. America had to make a dying foe freak the world out and be the sample, so Russia gets message. Simple as that. Also, experimental reasons did play part. It took six days after Fat Man and Little Boy for Japan to announce “Surrender.” Even after Japan signed the unconditional surrender, raid-sirens could still be heard wailing in the dark for many nights in Tokyo, because Japan believed an invasion was still coming. That is how Terrorism in that level of magnitude can devastate humankind.

Since history is usually written by the winners, up until now most historians in the Allied world would never admit to what took place in Japan on August 6th and August 9th of 1945 was terrorism.

In the recorded history, terrorism did not target civilian, that's until the word “Ideology” came to play. Disregarding the aftermath ordeal of the civil beforehand: Bombing in the urban and the heavily populated, kidnapping, extortion, assassinations, suicide attacks, etc; terrorism became the cheapest political tactic to demoralize the civil and heads of state, and ironically, (Believe it or not) to gain public trust. I'll explain:

The lost of human lives play an statement to the heads of state “You're not safe, and you can't save the people” is the message. The head of state therefore, would seem to be incapable of safeguarding it own citizens, and weak. Feelings of hopelessness by the people rises the need to seek security elsewhere; people will either flee or support the opposition out of fear. The psychological-effect on people, now that fear is installed will rewards the terrorists the false sense of prestige they needed. The ruthless ideology behind their act, is then (Amazingly) approved by the people. Instead of other way around, it is also possible that high ranking heads of state to defect, or collaborate with the apposition, out of fear. Terrorists would also display their faithful actions against those who disagree. The gruesome the display, the stronger the message: Decapitated bodies of those even neutral could be displayed in public. Terrorism has nothing to do with military, Common sense, Moral, or religion, but has everything to do with making a statement. Whether in New York on 9/11, Baghdad's Buratha Mosque (On Friday's Prayer,) Somalia, Etcetera; Terrorism is Evil.

I don't really want to get into the subject of terrorism deeper than I already am, because terrorism existed ever since we recorded history. And ever since men killed other men, and I'd need a book. So I'll stop here.

What I like to talk about is the dirties of all dirty: Suicide Attack, which is now the new style in Somalia.

Terrorism is the dirties part of Asymmetric war, and Suicide Attack is the dirties part of Terrorism. In Suicide Attack an actual perpetrator is willing to take his/her own life along with innocent people for a statement.

People who:

  1. Are mentally incompetent.

  2. Are Physically and, or medically defective/handicapped.

  3. Are under the influence of by someone else (Usually by a Mentor)

  4. Are low ranked in the group.

  5. Are young and naïve.

  6. Lack an ambition, hope and cannot foresee a bright future.

  7. Are Born and raised in utter chaos (War-Front).

  8. Saw no decency, or life itself.

  9. Are motivated by despair.

  10. Are out right threatened by those behind the curtain.

Are the usual suspects prone to such deed.

The desire of the perpetrator for a change could also be so desperate that he/she would actually believe failure of change is worst than the deaths of the civilian. And that's where terrorism will meet religion in a diluted mind.

Once a Suicide Attack (Or “Shahaada*” as they call it nowadays) is ordered, it must be carried out regardless of what, why, when, or if. And without a question. Because, either way death** is imminent, no matter if the chosen obeys, or disobeys.

* NOTE: Shahaada is a fancy word for suicide, and it is given to most not earned, nor sought- (Don't believe the hype)

**NOTE: Death to family member/s is also possible for non-compliance to such Shahaada-

Suicide Attacks has nothing to do with religion (Except the poor perpetrator's self-reasoning before carrying on)

The Great artist, Amin Amir drew the perfect picture on the perpetrator's delusion: The guy calling the other guy in the grave.

The early stages of terrorism in Somalia was, when a man slit another man's throat. That forecasted how ruthless things will get. A man would slit another man's throat from ear to ear in public, then make a video, and post his evil action on the Internet for one reason: Not because people are immune to bullets; because, FEAR. Fear is the ultimate goal here. If they install fear in every individual... people would fear to even have a thought.

Siyad Bare used to put huge boards on street corners “Don't do this, don't do that. Death to this, death to that. Love the revolution, Jaalle Siyaad Hanoolaado” all out of the courtesy of our then government to remind us to remain in fear and never forget. Not having a picture of Siyaad Bare in our living-rooms carried some type of punishment. You and I couldn't talk freely inside our homes without wondering whether Siyad Bare was listening on the other side of the wall. Fear is powerful tool.

This type of fear is not for the Creator, this type of fear is men imposing fear on other men: Grown-Men, Mullah-Men, Educated-Men, Scholar-Men, Wise-Men, Garaad-Men, Mulaakh-Men, Odey-Beeleed-Men, Ugaas-Men, Kaabo-Qabiil-Men, Suxuufi-Men, Musuqmaasuq-Men, Mooryaan-Men, Suldaan-Men, Qunyar-Socod-Men...All fearing other men: Al Shabaab men. Amazing Eh?

Regarding the fact that we all know in our hearts that what goes on in Somalia is unjust, and therefore terrorism, none of us dares to call it just that in the open. “Xarakatul Mujaahidiin Al-Shabaab” is what we were told to call it, and we're more than glad to do just that: Because nobody wants to be the one slaughtered in the video. Or, shot in the head at Bakarah Market. Prophet Mohamed (SWS) said “Help your brother when he is right, and help your brother when he is wrong.” If we don't talk now, there will be the day that we will have to talk, but it will be too late by then, because that day is the Judgment Day.

In Beledweyn: Over 40 innocent lives were cut down by a 17yr old young man, recently. That young man became an adult only 2yrs ago. He was brainwashed probably by someone who he thought was a man of Allah, and who he naively trusted. Just by looking at his picture of him smiling makes you cancel-out the thought “This young man is the one who committed that heinous crime.” How preposterous! You then ask yourselves. But then again, the next picture of him posting in tactical-position with an AK-47 and a magazine-vest jolts you back to reality. And the reality is, there many more like him in Mogadishu. 17yr olds who were born in War-front, and the war (Itself) is actually older than them, entire lost of generation. Kids who saw no peace, or a viable institution, prosperity, or even saw no reason to live for, now have an idea to die for. They'll gun you down for wearing the wrong clothes, they'll cut down anyone who questions, or even raises the slightest objection. They stand behind their DSHK Heavy Machine gun (A.K.A. Dhashiika) and they'll mow down an entire population with a simple order. Those are the kids I saw on that 17yr old man's face.

Our religion came mainly for two reasons:

Reason #1) To submit there is only one Allah and Mohamed is the messenger, and no god should be worshiped except Allah.

Reason #2) To save the people (Here And Hereafter) and protect the rights of the people, according to the Shari'a.

Everything else Allah (SW) ordered are the subcategories of the two above. If one of the two is disregarded, the entire order are disregarded.

People are more important than the religion. It's the people that we have a religion. And the crimes that are UNFORGIVABLE are the crimes against the people. The crimes we commit against Allah are most FORGIVEN if we ask for forgiveness, but the crimes against the people are most definitely NOT forgiven.

This means: Even those who think the wrongful killings and the misplacing of our people is morally just. YOU are also Ahlu-Naar. Be careful, there is no need to think on that one.

We have two options here Somalia.

  1. We keep this dishonest and unfair, Fat and corrupted by Qabiil TFG and fix it. We can take a better route and find fairness; that Somalia is ONE, not four and half. We cannot find perfect out of misery, it never works that way, but we can perfect ourselves to perfectness. We can install Shari'a and put our trust on Allah. No one was born with education, skills, and walks upright from day one, everyone gets there through learning. We can learn. We need an institution we can question. We need people that if we hold accountable won't slit our throats. We need human-beings ruling.

  2. Or, we can let fanatics (homegrown and foreigner) take power and teach us their version of the Qur'an. A Pakistanis who can't go back to his poppy farm (Because Uncle Sam is there) only brings you bad luck. Watching decapitations and hangings becomes national pastime. Our flag will be as black as the devil himself. Then we'll attack Alaska and convert it to Islam, fight infidels throughout the world, yet have the support of an Orthodox Christian named Asaias Afewerki of Eritrea, (Who exiled more Muslims than Israel) on our side.

A misguided fanatics from overseas, who rather wage “Jihad” in our homeland instead of theirs only bring bad luck. The wrath of Allah has been upon us for almost 20yrs. And our lust for Qabiil and Power is what segregated us. Curable viruses are epidemic in Somalia, such a thing as finding water is life and death decision. We have called foreigners upon each other. We killed the women and children... Aren't you wondering that Allah hates us by now? Wallaahi Sometimes I mumble “Yes.”

The total disregard of humanity, manipulating verses of the Qur'an deviously so one can justify his actions, hypocrisy, lust for power and qabiil, are all treason, and why Allah kept us in the dark.

Nothing seems to be working, we have tried all remedies, and now the Shari'a, but the situation gets even worst. Think about it.

I know Shariif, Godane and Xassan aren't capable of thinking that far, they're narrow minded, and morally corrupted by now. The same lust for power is usually the cause of death for such people. Allah has made them blind, deaf and totally numbed to notice, or feel anything. Inaa Lilaahi Wa inaa Illaahi Raajicuun.

I know something is looming, something very, very bad is coming. Remarkable retributions are about be upon us. (Sort of like Hell on earth.) We will doom if we don't stop. And whoever thinks joining them will make you an Ahlu-Janna. Wallaahi Good Luck.

The land will fall into the hands of foreigners (One way or the other,) I assure you on that. Uganda and Burundi are foreigners, I know that, but they're in Somalia on a mandate and will leave anytime TFG asks, or the mandate expires, that's difference between mandate and occupation (Ask the Iraqis). I'm talking about unauthorized foreign invasion. As soon as TFG falls, Somalia goes into isolation, embargoes are imposed (You think those ships are there only for pirates?) No Flying Zones created, Somalia becomes either an operating base for Al Qaeda, or a place for target-practicing. Neighboring countries will take security measurements and DMZs are born. Osama moves in, and Somaliland gets her wish and secede (This time for a real reason) then Puntland follows. A place once called Somalia will become (Free-For-All) 20/20 battle-field.

You think that won't happen? Well, I never thought a Somali man would slit another Somali man's throat in a video. And I never thought some of us in diaspora would see that funny and brag about it.

Optimism is what got us into this jam to began with.

Thanks for your time.
Wa Bilaahi Towfiikh.

Abdulaziz Ahmed.
E-mail: [email protected]


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