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Scenario of Massacres begins in mandera North Eastern Province

Victims of torture by military men during the crackdown in Mandera. The involvement of soldiers in internal disputes has come under heavy criticism. Photo/FILE 

by Mohamed kutuby
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Before the wagalla victims blood dried up, before the high court judge read the death penalty into ears of the former dictator Daniel Arap Moi and his gang members (the likes of Benson karia), and before they were even brought to court to hear their case the Kibaki government is committing another massacre in Mandera district under the cover of maintaining law and order in the region after the area witnessed tribal clashes on the 16th OCT this year.

Instead of protecting the threatened civilians in Lafey, wargadud, gaari, elwak and mandera town and instead of stopping the clashes in a civilized way military units and helicopters were dispatched to the region to quell the innocent civilians, breaking the bones of the already frightened old men, teenagers, women and children in their villages, hundreds were killed and thousands fled their homes crossing the border to sake for security in the neighbouring Somalia and Ethiopia.
Mandera district is under a complete siege for the fifth week with the main roads leading in and out of the area blocked by the army, there is shortage of water, food supplies and even medical supplies with the only hospital in the area filled to its roof.
The Kenya government is proud of saving its suffering "citizens" from the angry tribal militia men to slaughter them in the hands of its bloodthirsty soldiers.

Is this what they call maintain "law and order" in NEP? Where are the Kenya human right activists? Or this time they were threatened to be killed too!

We (northeasterners) are unlucky, it seams the fate of our people is dying under military torture, bullets and rungus It was just yesterday when they burned a thousand people in Garissa Gubay, massacred thousands others in wagalla-wajir and killed hundreds in malkamarey-mandera.
Be aware that the government is planning the same scenario starting from mandera to wajir then Garissa to Ijara and only waiting for the scheduled time, we know   the military is sent to any troubled zone in the country but such things do not happened in other areas, for instance the army was sent to for stall the bloodshed in the troubled mount Elgon region and the soldiers were friendly to the residents therefore no "soldier casualties " were reported by then.

The question is why do they misbehave when they are sent to North eastern province? May be they are under pressure to OBEY their boss!
Mohamed kutuby
Email [email protected]


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