Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Position for the Future of Somalia.

by Mohamed Abdi Mohamed
Monday, November 17, 2008


My homeland of Somalia seems to be caught in the vicious grip of social, political and economic paralysis. Continuation of the status quo can no longer be excused or defended.


There is an unpleasant reality which cannot be denied by anyone irrespective of clan and political persuasion. Some of these truths are self evident.


  1. Since the formation of the Transitional Federal Government, there has not been any measurable progress on the political front. The TFG has not been able to create a sustainable or credible political presence in Somalia.
  2. There has been no change in the security arena in Somalia despite the presence of external forces. In fact many are of the opinion that Somalia is on a path of social degeneration.
  3. The world community has lost faith in the capacity of the present leadership to resolve fundamental issues and is extremely skeptical that any good can come from the present political configuration.
  4. Somalia cannot afford the luxury of time. Time under the same conditions will only lead to further deterioration...

Without trying to indulge in conducting post mortems as why the TFG has failed to live up to its promise, the time for change has come. There needs to be a new realism born out of current failure and a new direction must be set.


Elements of such a new direction may include the following:

  1. New blood untainted by past prejudices, experiences and narrow loyalties.
  2. A new guiding principle that puts Somalia as a nation first.
  3. New leadership equipped to perform in the international arena.
  4. A new resolve to exorcise political demons and move forward.

Somalia, fortunately, is not short on native talent. However native talent may not currently reside within the borders of Somalia, but exist in the Diaspora in Europe and North America. The cross fertilization of ideas and initiatives that should exist between Somalis at home and abroad does not now occur. This is a resource that Somalia cannot afford to ignore since it is the only hope on the horizon for Somalia.


Somalia cannot be rebuilt on the efforts of a generation of youth that has never known anything but war, that has never known any respect for law and order, that has never understood the importance of functioning institutions, and whose psychologies have been conditioned by guns rather than by pens.


Somalia can only be rebuilt when leadership is inspired by the central theme …”Somalia First”; focusing on issues of unity and common ground.


The United States will soon have new leadership. Somalia needs the kind of leadership that can forge new relationships within the region and further afield.


Now is the time for change.

Mohamed Abdi Mohamed
E-mail: [email protected]


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