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ONLF condemns Ethiopian military chief's accusations as threat to 2018 peace agreement

Friday September 13, 2024

Jigajiga (HOL) — The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has condemned recent statements by Ethiopian military chief General Berhanu Jula, accusing the group of being an enemy of the state allegedly created by Egypt.

The ONLF, a legally recognized political party, called for immediate clarification from the Ethiopian government on Thursday, warning that such statements threaten a 2018 peace agreement.

The controversial comments were reportedly made in a video aired on Ethio-Forum on September 8, 2024, where General Jula is seen accusing ONLF of acting against Ethiopian interests.

In its statement, ONLF described the accusations as baseless and harmful to the peace process. "The statements undermine the 2018 peace agreement and the trust built over years. We call on the Ethiopian government and General Jula to immediately clarify the authenticity of the video and repudiate the statement if it has been misrepresented," the ONLF added. "If the statement is genuine, the government must act swiftly to disassociate itself from such harmful rhetoric."

The 2018 agreement, signed in Asmara, Eritrea, ended decades of conflict between ONLF and Ethiopia, with both sides committing to peaceful coexistence and cooperation, particularly in Ethiopia's Somali region.

The peace agreement, which saw the ONLF lay down arms in exchange for political recognition, was hailed as a key step toward resolving long-standing tensions in Ethiopia's Somali region. However, the recent accusations have raised concerns about the future of this fragile peace.

However, ONLF reiterated its commitment to peace, but warned that failure to address these provocations could force the group to reassess its relationship with the government. "We will not allow our legal status, or the trust built through the peace accord to be undermined," the statement concluded.


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