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Family in Garowe refuses to bury son killed by security forces, seeks justice

Tuesday June 11, 2024

Garowe (HOL) — Relatives of a motorcycle driver killed six months ago by security forces in Garowe city are demanding justice and have refused to bury his body until someone is held accountable.

Denied permission to store the body at Garowe General Hospital, the family has resorted to renting a private refrigerator, paying approximately $200 daily to preserve it.

Puntland's security agencies recently stated that an operation targeting illegal weapons and drugs resulted in fatalities and injuries, for which they have taken responsibility. However, the family of the deceased claims that security forces have ignored their pleas and refused to discuss the case.

When contacted by Hiiraan Online, the Garowe General Hospital administration cited a recent directive from the Puntland Ministry of Health that prohibits storing corpses in the hospital's refrigerators, except for unidentified bodies and those requiring autopsies.


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