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Federal investigation into Edina Public Schools over discrimination against Somali-American students

Tuesday February 13, 2024


Minneapolis (HOL) - The U.S. Department of Education has initiated an investigation into Edina Public Schools following allegations of discrimination after the suspension of two Somali-American students.

The controversy began in October when the Somali-American students were suspended three days each for leading a student walkout at Edina High School while chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," a slogan in support of Palestinian freedom. The district's stance is that the slogan is inherently antisemitic, citing prior warnings to the students against using the contentious phrase. Edina High School administration said the students were disruptive to the school environment, leading to a lawsuit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Following the suspensions, tensions flared at an Edina School Board meeting, where limitations on public comments led to vocal protests from attendees. Demonstrators, many of whom were there to support the suspended students and advocate for Palestinian rights, expressed their frustration with the school board's handling of the situation. The board's decision to adjourn the meeting amidst these protests only heightened the sense of injustice felt by many,

The Department of Education announced that it would launch a Title VI investigation into Edina High School on January 30 to determine if there were grounds for "national origin discrimination involving religion." The investigation will determine whether the use of the phrase "From the river to the sea" creates a hostile environment for Jewish students or if disciplining students for its use amounts to anti-Muslim discrimination.

CAIR MN's Executive Director Jaylani Hussein welcomed the decision. "This is what we've been looking for," Hussein said about the investigation launching. "Obviously, the department does not investigate every claim that comes in, so I think even though they're not making a decision yet, we definitely welcome the seriousness that they're taking this issue."

In a statement, Edina Public Schools said it is commitment to upholding students' First Amendment rights to free expression and peaceful advocacy for significant causes. However, the district also emphasized that students do not possess "unfettered" First Amendment rights on school premises. 

"Edina Public Schools deeply condemns islamophobia and antisemitism," the statement read.

Jewish leaders claim that the "river to the sea" chants are calls for Jewish genocide, an assertion which is flat-out denied by Palestinians and their supporters, including Hussein. 

"Implying that their statements of aspiration for freedom for Palestinian people is somehow anti semitic is very false,"  he said.



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