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Somalia's Intelligence Agency captures high-ranking al-Shabab operative in Mogadishu

Saturday February 3, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's National Intelligence Agency announced the capture of a senior al-Shabab operative, Muhiyadin Daqare, who was recently close to the group's emir, Abu Ubaidah (Ahmed Diriye).

The Agency revealed on Saturday that Muhiyadin Daqare, a wanted man, was apprehended while hiding in Mogadishu. The specific date of the capture has yet to be specified.

NISA alleges that Daqare operated in the Mudug, Galgudud, and Lower Shabelle regions for the militant group.

This capture follows hours after Somali military forces, supported by local militia, thwarted an al-Shabab attack in the Shabelow village of the Mudug region, resulting in the death of at least 21 militants.

Ongoing operations against militants have been consistent in the southern areas of the Mudug region over the past few months.


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