Alta Vista-Canterbury Community Newspaper, Ottawa, Canada
By 2332 Major E.J.G. Holland VC RCACC
Wednesday September 28, 2022
Cadet Warrant Officer Isac Hawadle isn’t your typical teenager. Heading to grade 12 this September, WO Hawadle spent his summer completing the Fullbore Marksman Phase I course at Connaught Cadet Training Center. And he did exceptionally well, placing third out of his whole cohort and taking home the top competition prizes!
“This year, the camp was very engaging because we were on the range every day,” said WO Hawadle. “Every day we were shooting, plotting, checking windages and discussing better ways to improve our techniques. It was a positive feedback loop all summer!”
At the end of their course, all the cadets competed in the National Cadet Fullbore Championship. The competition is made up of six matches, two Competition Aggregates (three matches each) and the Grand Aggregate.
WO Hawadle came home with multiple awards: 1st Place in the Clem Tremblay Match at 600 yards, the Buell Trophy (awarded to a team of eight firers from the course) with his team and 1st Place in the Marie-Christine Lariviere Aggregate. Finally, he took home the top award as the champion of the 2022 National Cadet Fullbore Championships: The Karyline Wathier Grand Aggregate.
Hawadle is part of the cohort of cadets who will be chosen to represent Canada as the National Rifle Team in 2024.
WO Isac Hawadle credits the Cadets Program for giving him an impactful experience: “Personally, Army Cadets has been the most fun, efficient and life-changing program in my whole life. If you join and put in the work, time and effort to learn, you will leave cadets as a much better and well-rounded individual – guaranteed.”
Outside of attending regular training on Wednesday nights at 2332 Major E.J.G Holland VC, Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, located at 2100 Walkley Rd, WO Hawadle aims to study biomedical engineering at Carleton University after graduation.
Opportunities like these, where cadets pursue personal development through challenging activities that are outside their comfort zone, are offered at Cadets Canada. The free Army Cadets Program is open to youth between the ages of 12–18 and is offered at 2100 Walkley Rd. Check out our website 2332cadets.ca for more information.
“Take advantage of summer camp opportunities offered to cadets, especially in marksmanship. You can improve drastically in a short amount of time,” advised WO Hawadle. “I originally wasn’t selected for the Fullbore Phase I course, but I put in the practice and effort at my local unit, got better and was accepted.”
This is only part of WO Hawadle’s journey as an Army Cadet at 2332 RCACC. Having received his acceptance to Fullbore Phase 2, he plans to keep honing his marksmanship skills to prepare for next summer. WO