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WIMI SOM: From Holland to Qardho: The Making of Successful Cosmetics Business with Local Production in the Land of Punt

Saturday, May 28, 2022

From Holland to Qardho: The Making of Successful Cosmetics Business with Local Production in the Land of Punt

She was born in Mogadishu where she grew up in her childhood, but the circumstances did not allow her to remain in her hometown, and the displacement caused her to become part of the thousands of refugees Somalis who were scattered around the world.

She left the country in 1991, when she was a young girl, she became a refugee in a camp in Kenya, where she lived for 7 years a difficult life as a refugee.

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The Story of Sahro: Trailblazer in the Field of Technology for Somali Women

In general, Somali women are the backbone of the lives of millions of Somalis. With the collapse of the central government, Somali women stood up for the creation of businesses and livelihoods for their families and communities. Small businesses have played a significant role in providing for families, wealth creation, education development, and economic growth of the whole country.

Technology and internet businesses are uncommon territory for Somali women, but Engineer Sahra Abdikarin has ventured into creating one of the largest hosting and website management services companies in Somalia, a company that builds websites for companies, local organizations, the government, international organizations, and charitable organizations.

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The Story of Ayan Qarbe: Serving the Nation in Uniform and Setting an Example for Women

Ayaan Qarbe was born in the countryside of Eyl district, a historic town that was once home to one of Somalia's anti-colonial leaders, Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan. Eyl is part of the Nugal region.

Her father was an officer with the Somali Chamber of Commerce at the time, and her family moved to the Somali capital Mogadishu, and after some time they relocated to Jariban district in the Mudug region of central Somalia.

She completed her primary school in Jariban, but once again her father was transferred to Mogadishu, where Ayaan completed her high school education. When she finished high school, she already has chosen her career path and what she wanted to do with her future.

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Women In Media Initiative Somalia- WIMISOM
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wimisom.org


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