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Ma'awiisley forces attack al-Shabaab positions south of Beledweyne

Sunday November 6, 2022

Beledweyne (HOL) -Intense fighting has broken out between pro-government militia and al-Shabaab fighters near Dhoqor and Baarey villages, about 27 km south of Beledweyne. The skirmish was sparked after re-liberation forces known locally as Ma'awiisley attacked a recently established al-Shabaab compound.

Residents reported hearing heavy gunfire and estimated that there would be multiple deaths but still too early to determine the casualties.

A Ma'awiisley commander told HOL that an operation was underway to clear al-Shabaab fighters from villages along the riverbanks south of the Hiiraan capital Beledweyne. He added that he believes dozens of fighters have fled after attacking their makeshift camp.

The Shabaab unit reportedly entered the territory by travelling up the Shabelle River in a boat. 

The al-Shabaab boats were alleged to have been destroyed by Ma'awiisley soldiers.

On Thursday, Somalia's army and allied clan militias killed at least 100 al-Shabaab fighters in heavy clashes in the Central Hiiraan villages of Garas Magan and El Hareeri. Somali defence ministry spokesman Abdullahi Ali Anod said his soldiers uncovered evidence of Al-Shabab militants torturing reluctant fighters among its ranks. 


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