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Rebel forces inch closer to Beleyweyne town as Gen. Huud insists on separation from HirShabelle State

Monday January 3, 2022

Beledweyne (HOL) Forces allied to former Somali National Army commandant General Abukar Huud and Col. Nur Dhere are reportedly stationed in the outskirts of Beledweyne on Tuesday as the rebel forces, who are opposed to the HirShabelle State government, prepare to make their way into the city.

General Huud told BBC Somali Service Sunday night that his forces were in areas near the town and reiterated his earlier stance for a break-away state from HirShabelle state.

Huud accused the Federal Government of forcing them to join Middle Shabelle to form HirShabelle State contrary to their wishes.

“There is no such thing as an administration in Hirshabelle. It is not something we can accept. We are called Hiiraan. We have protested against the atrocities committed against us, and we want to establish a separate administration for Hiiraan State," said General Hud.

Huud also denied Hiiraan regional governor Ali Jeyte's account of Sunday's events, insisting that his fighters were attacked government forces in Qowlad, about 12km north of Beledweyne.

Meanwhile, Jeyte announced a curfew in Beledweyne Sunday night as tension remains high in the town. Protests against the HirShabelle administration led by President Ali Gudlawe broke out Sunday afternoon before the rebel forces advanced.

General Huud, a former commandant in the SNA during the Mohamed Siad Barre dictatorship, rose to prominence in 2020 following the election of Gudlawe in November as HirShabelle president. 

The Hiiraan region has since opposed the election of Gudlawe, noting it violated a power-sharing agreement between Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle regions.


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