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Two men to face the firing squad in Puntland for murder of journalist

Monday February 14, 2022

GALKAYO (HOL) - Two men who were found guilty for the murder of journalist Jamal Farah Adan in March 2021 were today sentenced to death by a military court in Puntland.

The court also handed sentenced two other accused persons to jail terms of 15 and 25 years. Adde Abdullahi Mohamed Elmi and Abdiqani Saleban Jama (Sayloor) will face the firing squad while Hassan Jama Mohamed (Hassan Nur) was slapped with a 25 years jails term as his co-accused, Mohamed Ali Ahmed (Qaroon) was also sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The court also acquitted six other suspects after it established, they did not have any role in the killing of the journalist.

 Adan was shot dead on March 1, 2021 in Galkayo.

The militant group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the killing.


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