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Somalia's opposition leaders call on PM to expedite the electoral process

Sunday September 26, 2021

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Council of Presidential Candidates has issued a press statement on Sunday calling on the Prime Minister to expedite the electoral process and warning President Farmajo and the former intelligence director that they would be held liable for destabilizing the country.

The presidential-hopefuls strongly advised the PM to not negotiate the terms of the May 27 electoral agreement.

In a six-point statement, the Council said they were closely monitoring Somalia's armed forces and said the troops stay out of the politics. The Council suspects President Farmajo and former National Security Chief Fahad Yassin of attempting to mobilize factions within the armed forces to disrupt the election process.

The Council of Candidates added that Prime Minister Roble had made significant concessions to resolve the conflict during the latest round of negotiations but that the Farmajo had refused to budge.

Somalia's opposition leaders also called on Somalia's military court to investigate Ikran's death and deliver justice to her family.

The Council urged Somalia's international partners to designate individuals who intentionally obstruct the electoral process as spoilers.

The Council's six-points:

1 - Encourages the PM to expedite the electoral process, take control of the country's security, and never negotiate the agreement of 27 May to control the security and conduct the elections in the country. GMM is ready to support you in this difficult task

2. Urges the National Consultative Assembly to expedite the electoral process, facilitate it as soon as possible, and address the concerns of the process to save the country from political uncertainty and insecurity. GMM is ready to support you in this difficult task

3 - Emphasizes that the armed forces should not get involved in politics and support the National Consultative Assembly in holding elections in the country and preventing anyone from disrupting the polls.

4. Calls on the international community to assist the National Consultative Assembly in holding the elections as soon as possible and identifying the individuals who obstruct the electoral process.

5 - He is watching the activities of the military and the conspiracies of the outgoing President and the former NISA commander to disrupt the electoral process and create instability and insecurity. The Council will never allow this to happen, and Farmajo will take responsibility and the consequences of such wrongdoing.

6 Demands justice for Ikraan Tahlil and her family and calls on the judiciary to look into the case. We urge the prosecution and the military tribunal to clear the obstacles to justice.

Finally, the Council calls on the Somali people, the leaders of the National Consultative Assembly and the international community to work together to hold the elections soon and turn our attention to the individuals who are obstructing the electoral process.


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