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Somali PM calls for speedy elections in Somaliland upper house

Monday September 13, 2021


Mogadishu (HOL) - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has called on an accelerated process to complete the Upper House selections for Somaliland during a meeting with the deputy prime minister and Senate chairman Mahdi Guled Abdi Hashi.

The meeting was also attended by the Northern Regional Electoral Commission of Somaliland and the chief-justiec of the country's Supreme Court.

Prime Minister Roble called on the committee to immediately begin the Upper House elections in the northern regions, now that the impasse between the two factions of Somaliland politicians is behind them.

The Somali prime minister also said that the Upper House elections in the Somaliland need to be held this week, as the deadline for holding the Upper House elections is five days away.

They recently announced a joint agreement between the speaker of Somalia's upper house of parliament and the country's deputy prime minister ended a bitter dispute between the two sides over electoral issues in the northern regions.


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