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Congresswoman Omar accused of pandering to Zionists with anti-Palestinian attacks

Tuesday June 8, 2021

US Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has been accused of pandering to Zionists after she compared the Palestinian resistance groups' defensive acts with atrocities committed by the US, the Taliban and Israeli occupation forces.

She asked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken why he was opposed to courts' investigation into alleged crimes against humanity in both the occupied Palestinian territories and Afghanistan, while making references to Israeli occupation forces, Hamas and the Taliban in an indiscriminate manner.

Palestinian activists said it is outrageous that the US Congresswoman, a Muslim of Somali descent, compared Palestinians resisting US-backed apartheid with the United States, which has killed millions, and Israel’s illegitimate terrorist colonial regime.

They said, "Omar thought that by attacking the Palestinian resistance, racist white supremacists would praise her fairness and balance. But they are only smearing her for comparing the US to Hamas (and Taliban)."

The activists pointed out that Omar just repeated Zionists' talking points to justify "Israel’s genocidal attacks on Palestinians and delegitimize all resistance."

Blogger and activist, Ali Abunimah, said the entire American establishment has guaranteed Israeli impunity, while it has spent decades finding new ways to punish all Palestinians.

Omar's anti-Palestinian attacks came as she had last month condemned US President Joe Biden for siding with Israel’s “oppressive occupation” of Palestine and carrying out recent atrocities against Palestinians.

Israel launched the bombing campaign against Gaza on May 10, after Palestinians retaliated against violent raids on worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque and the regime’s plans to force a number of Palestinian families out of their homes at Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem al-Quds.

The Gaza-based Palestinian resistance groups responded to the Israel atrocities with unprecedented rocket barrages, prompting Tel Aviv to announce a unilateral ceasefire on May 21, which Palestinian resistance movements accepted with Egyptian mediation.

According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, at least 260 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli offensive, including 66 children and 39 women, and 1948 others were wounded.


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