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The Gedo Reconciliation Committee lands in Garbaharey

Thursday July 15, 2021

Kismayo (HOL) - A delegation of cabinet ministers from four regional governments - not including Jubaland - arrived in Garbaharey, the regional capital of the Gedo region, on Wednesday, where they are expected to meet with residents and the local government.

Somali PM Mohamed Hussein Roble appointed the ministers to The Gedo Reconciliation Commission and tasked them with arranging a negotiated settlement to the contentious Gedo issue that has paralyzed Somali politics.

The commission is tasked with creating a secure and political environment where a free and fair election can be held for the Garbaharey district leadership.

Roble arrived in Garbaharey on Saturday after wrapping up a four-day tour of Kismayo, where he met with Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe.


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