Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
PM’s blockade an ‘attempted military coup’ by former president- ex-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Monday December 27, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has described the blocking of Prime Minister Mohamed Roble from accessing his office on Monday morning as an ‘attempted military coup’ and called on Somalis to support the Prime Minister.

“We condemn the attempted military coup staged by the former President,” the former head of state said in a tweet. “We urge the protection of the democratic rule of law in the country, and call upon all to back the Prime Minister in his efforts to implement elections in the country.”

The former president’s remarks follow reports that soldiers allied to President Mohamed Farmaajo blocked the prime minister from accessing his office. The PM was later escorted on foot by AMISOM soldiers.

Meanwhile, the US embassy in has called on the country’s leadership to tone down tensions and avoid violence.

“We strongly urge Somalia’s leaders to take immediate steps to de-escalate tensions in Mogadishu, refrain from provocative actions, and avoid violence,” the embassy said in a tweet.

Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled has also weighed in on the dispute urging both Farmaajo and Roble to ease tensions. “I am a "Preacher of Peace". I call on the two elders to protect the country,” Guled tweeted.


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