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Deni breaks ranks with CPC, likens planned conference by opposition to a return to Arte Conference in 2000

Monday December 20, 2021

GAROWE (HOL) - Puntland President Abdullahi Deni has publicly broken ranks with the opposition dismissing their quest for more electoral talks as a return to the negotiations with birthed the first post-civil war government in 2000.

Speaking Sunday night during celebrations to mark the third anniversary of the election of South West state president Abdiasis Lafta Gareen, Deni said ‘"People who say 'let's set up councils' are going to take us back to Arte's tent. It's a dangerous thing.”

He was referring to the Arte Conference in Djibouti from 20 April – 5 May 2000 which led to the formation of the Transitional National Government.

Deni’s remarks affirm his breaking away from association with the Council of Presidential Candidates; a 15 member umbrella of presidential candidates who had earlier been in the same camp with Deni in opposition against president Mohamed Farmaajo.

The CPC announced last week it would be convening a national conference in light of reported widespread grievances and irregularities in the ongoing Lower House elections.

The CPC said it was forming a security and technical committee to oversee preparations for the conference.

Early in the year, the CPC joined hands with Deni, his Jubaland counterpart Ahmed Madobe and the Somaliland caucus led by outgoing senate speaker Abdi Hashi to form the National Salvation Forum.

However, that forum whittled out shortly after Farmaajo handed over elections management to Prime Minister Mohamed Roble.

Deni’s current position is informed by the fact that he has been rumoured to be entering the presidential race thus further electoral instability could hamper his prospects.


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