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Hiiraan Governor blasts AMSIOM soldiers for standing idle in fight against Al-Shabaab

Monday August 2, 2021

Beledweyne (HOL) - The governor of the Hiiraan region and commander of the 5th brigade of the 27th division of the Somali National Army have strongly criticized the AMISOM forces operating in the area.

Ali Jeyte, the governor of the Hiiraan region, said that AMISOM forces have refused to participate in security operations against militant insurgents.

"We should seriously consider reviewing AMISOM's mandate because they're not doing their job, which is fighting against Al-Shabaab.

"I am the governor, and I have the responsibility to protect my constituents.  We have been persuading them to join us in Al Shabaab operations for three months."

Jeyte also said that he went to the AMISOM base with the Vice-President of Hirshabelle and was still unable to persuade them to join the fight.

Hiraan Regional Military Commander of the 5th Battalion 27th Division, Mohamud Hassan Ibrahim Bakaay, echoed Jeyte's sentiments and accused AMISOM forces of "doing nothing" in the Hiraan region for four years.

"The tanks that they parked here four years ago remain in the same spot. It doesn't feel like that they(AMISOM) are an army that is here to protect us."

The strong accusations from Hiraan regional administration and the military command come as troops led by Governor Ali Jeyte have been conducting operations against Al-Shabaab between Beledweyne and Mahas District.

AMISOM troops are drawn from Kenya, Ethiopia, Burundi, Uganda and Djibouti forces. Jeyte and Bakaay's comments were aimed at Djiboutian soldiers, who have been assigned Sector 4, which covers Hiiraan and Galgaduud.


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