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Claims of opposition to FGS-FMS meeting ‘false and misleading’-Lafta Gareen

Tuesday June 9, 2020

BAYDHABO (HOL) - South West State President Abdiaziz Lafta Gareen has dismissed claims that his administration was opposed to meetings between the Federal Government and regional units.

A statement from the presidency Tuesday rubbished the claims as unfounded noting the South West State was committed to the talks and even ready to host them.

“We know the FGS and Federal Member States (FMS) tasked a joint committee to set the agenda and venue for talks and that committee is still working on it,” the statement read in part. “The committee is still discussing the issue so Somali people should not be misled by social media reports and it’s unfortunate those reports mislead the public.”

Lafta Gareen was responding to claims in the social media that his administration which has close ties with Mogadishu was opposed to the talks.

Noting that his government was committed to the ‘unity and how to unify Somalia’, Lafta Gareen said

“South West to ready to see negotiation conference between the FGS and FMS at any cost,’ adding he was ready to host the talks.

There have been reports the two levels of government were finalizing plans for resumption of talks which have for over a year failed to take place following frosty relations between Mogadishu and the regional governments particularly Puntland and Jubbaland.

The UN Security Council last week urged President Mohamed Farmaajo to reconvene the National Security Council in light of emerging and existing national issues which need attention.

These include the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, locust invasion, floods and upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.


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