Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Terrorists common enemy

Friday June 1, 2018

Visiting Somali President Mohammed Farmaajo was admirably blunt in his criticism of the terrorist group in his country that has caused untold suffering both at home and in the region. He didn’t mince his words, mentioning Al-Shabaab by name and casting doubt on its claim to be based on religion.

The terrorists have been waging an indiscriminate war that has claimed many innocent lives. Of course, Somalia has suffered most. But the region’s other countries, especially Kenya, have not been spared the bloodletting in brutal attacks.


President Farmaajo declared the murderous outfit the common enemy of the peace-loving Somalis and other East Africans.

We could not agree more with the Somali leader. There are active terrorist cells, especially in the northeastern region, where the people live in constant fear of these mindless hooligans.

Living proof of our commitment to help restore normality in Somalia is the presence of the Kenya Defence Forces troops in the United Nations Mission in Somalia (Unisom).

They continue to soldier on, at a great sacrifice, with some paying the ultimate price in the campaign to help stabilise our neighbouring country. President Farmaajo’s candid words are the best signal about a solid commitment to defeating the evil that hovers over Somalia, threatening national and regional stability.


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