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Attorney General accuses Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of corruption

Hiiraan Online
Saturday August 4, 2018

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mukhtar Mahad Daud has been accused by Somalia’s Attorney’s General Office of stealing public funds and exploiting his position in government for personal gain.

Sources say that an attempt was made by government forces to arrest Daud on Saturday morning at his office in KM5. However, Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmed Isse confirmed that his deputy was not in custody.

Attorney General Ahmed Ali Dahir said that his office conducted a 4-month long investigation into the conduct of the Deputy Minister and have accused him of stealing public funds.

Mukhtar Mahad Daud is the most senior government official to come under investigation for graft and corruption. He has not yet publicly made a statement on the allegations.


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