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Somali-Canadian MP Ahmed Hussen to be Canada's next Immigration Minister

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ottawa (HOL) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is made some key changes to his cabinet on Tuesday as his Liberal government prepares for a Trump presidency south of the border. Among key changes in the reshuffle are replacing Stephane Dion as foreign affairs minister and John McCallum in immigration.

Ahmed Hussen, a Somali-Canadian MP representing York-South-Weston in West Toronto is expected to replace John McCallum as the Minister of Immigration.

The inspiring story of Hussen touched millions of Canadians as he became the first Canadian of Somali descent to be elected to the House of Commons in 2015's sweeping Liberal victory.The community activist and lawyer arrived alone from Mogadishu in 1996 as a teenager and through a combination of grit, determination and community support, willed himself to Parliament Hill. Hussen was one of 46 visible-minority MP's elected that night, the vast majority Liberal and from the GTA.

Incumbent Minister of Immigration John McCallum is expected to leave politics entirely and head to Beijing as Canada's newest ambassador to China. Many political analysts were expecting a change in this position as Canada and China begin trade talks.

Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland is widely expected to replace Stephane Dion at Foreign Affairs. Dion was rumoured for months to be tapped for ambassador to France but as the eleventh-hour approaches, many believe he will likely be Canada's ambassador to the UN.

Somali-Canadian MP Ahmed Hussen with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. FILE PHOTO


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