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MEA help sought to bring injured Indian sailor home

Tuesday June 6, 2017

An organization of sailors, Kutchi Vahanvata Association, has written to external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj, seeking the ministry's help to bring an injured Gujarati sailor, admitted to a hospital in Somalia, back home for further treatment.

The sailor, Hamid Juneja, (30) went to Somalia aboard the Sri Lankan ship Fahad. He broke his leg and suffered other injuries while unloading cargo on May 21, in Kisamayu in Juba district. He was first hospitalised at Kismaayu General Hospital was later admitted to the

Turkish Hospital in the Somalian capital Mogadishu.
Hamid's family members allege he is not getting proper treatment in Somalia and want the ministry of external affairs to intervene and bring him home. Hamid is the sole breadwinner for his family of six, including his four-year-old child.

The letter by Kasam Jafrabadi, former president of Kutchi Vahanvata Association, to Swaraj reads, "Hamid Ebrahim Juneja, Indian passport number (redacted), 30 years of age, (from) Mandvi, Kutch, Gujarat had been working on a Sri Lankan ship named Fahad. During his trip from Kismayu in Somalia on May 21, 2017, he accidentally broke his left leg and badly injured his back."

"He was admitted to the Turkish Hospital at Mogadishu but he is still in a bad condition. He needs to be brought to India for proper treatment for which I request you to make the necessary arrangements to bring him to the country. Hamid's family is dependent on him and we should take some immediate measures to avoid a situation by which Hamid's health is worsened.

I hope to hear from you soon," reads the letter.

Hamid's uncle, Hussain Mohammad Juneja, said, "Hamid embarked on the ship two months ago and sustained injuries in the accident. Having known On hearing about the accident, his elderly parents, two younger brothers, wife and their four-year-old son have become anxious. Even the Indian consul in Somalia could not extend any help to my nephew. Now, our hopes are dependent on swift action from the MEA."

An email with questions from TOI to the official email ids of the external affairs minister and her personal secretary remained unanswered.


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