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Somalia needs $864 million for urgent aid: UN agency

Monday, January 2, 2017

Humanitarian partners working in Somalia are seeking 864 million US dollars to reach 3.9 million people with urgent life-saving assistance by the end of 2017.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) revealed that on Monday through a newly-developed Humanitarian Response Plan for Somalia for 2017.

"The plan has been developed in consideration of and in complementarity with ongoing and planned development programming," the OCHA said in its latest report.

Developed within the framework of a three-year humanitarian strategy for Somalia for 2016-2018, the response plan for 2017 aims to save lives, ensure the protection of the most vulnerable, strengthen resilience, support the provision of basic services and enable durable solutions, according to the OCHA.

Five million Somalis, or more than 40 percent of the country's population, do not have sufficient food, according to a UN-backed assessment report issued earlier this year.

The report reveals the number includes over 300,000 children under five who are acutely malnourished, among them over 50,000 children who are severely malnourished.


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