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Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle state formation talks hit snag over power sharing

Hiiraan Online
Saturday, February 20, 2016

MOGADISHU (HOL) – Effort to end a political stalemate related to the Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle state formation process hit the rocks on Thursday as Hiiraan elders once again pushed back last ditch effort by Somali president to to secure their endorsement the initiative.

The talks centered on power sharing arrangements and the certain region which would have the proposed state’s capital in its territory, two sticking points that officials said complicated the negotiations.

The failure to reach an agreement is a significant setback to the Somali government’s efforts to spread the federalism system across the country.

Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who traveled to Beledweyne, Hiiraan region’s regional capital held talks with the region’s elders; however, sources close to talks told HOL that two sides failed to reach an agreement.

Mr. Mohamud and his delegates including ministers and legislators had later flown back to Mogadishu.

The elders have earlier boycotted to attend the state formation conference which was held in Jowhar, the regional capital of Middle Shabelle region over ‘broken promises.

The development had dealt a potential blow to the president’s efforts, seen as the best chance to form an inter-regional state for the neighbouring regions.

Political analysts have earlier pointed out complexities surrounding the state's formation process, given lack of consensus, mistrust and rivalry among clans in the two regions


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