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HirShabelle residents share thoughts on the Upper House election

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Residents of Jowhar, the administrative capital of the newly created HirShabelle State expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the recent election of the Upper House representatives was conducted.

Somali Police, with the backing of AMISOM Police, remained vigilant at the polling centers to ensure that the exercise went on in a peaceful and secure environment, leaving no room for disruption.

Representatives of the National Women Organization say they were pleased with how the HirShabelle parliament effectively considered the 30% quota for women representation.

Below is what the residents had to say:

“We thank God; this ended well. We were advocating for the quota for women in the Upper House. We, as the National Women Organization, are happy that the quota for women has been achieved here. We are happy with the peaceful manner in which the election was held.”
- Bilan Bile Mohamud

Many women in Jowhar feel the election of two women as part of the eight representatives of the upper house sets a good precedent for HirShabelle. They are now hopeful that women will also get fair representation in the Lower House elections.

“I am happy. We are happy that two women were elected as part of the Upper House representatives from HirShabelle. This was a big step and we hope it continues.”
- Madina Adow Olow

HirShabelle was the last regional administration formed as part of the Somali government’s effort to federate the country ahead of the presidential election to be held later this month. Residents say they are happy that HirShabelle has successfully finished the process of electing members of the Upper House against many odds.

“As elders, we feel this election was necessary and it came at the right time. All the other regions had finished the election of the Upper House members, and we as HirShabelle have also succeeded in doing so. This is a win for us. HirShabelle was the last region to be formed and many people thought this election was not possible in such short time.” 
Mohamed Ahmed Hussein

“I think this election was free and fair. It was also well managed. It was just and was handled well. There was only one instance where they were not sure about the results, but they repeated the counting and everyone saw. It was fair.”
- Mohamed Hassan

HirShabelle is expected to finish the process of selecting the delegates for all the Electoral Colleges and then start the process of electing members of the House of the People.


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