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I’ve set up growth projects, vote for me, Jama tells non-locals

By STEPHEN ASTARIKO @stephenastariko
Monday, November 07, 2016

Garissa governor Nathif Jama addresses non locals who reside in the area/Photo Stephen Astariko

Garissa Governor Nathif Jama yesterday appealed to the electorate to give him a second chance so he can propel the county to greater heights of development.

He addressed more than 1,000 non-residents in Garissa to seek their support ahead of the polls. Jama said his administration has performed well in terms of initiating development projects, despite many problems.

He criticised court cases that his administration is battling as one of the reasons that slowed him down.

Jama said 27 cases have been filed against his administration since he took office.

“My political detractors have made it a habit to hop from one court to another to frustrate me and ensure I don’t deliver,” he said.

“We are the only county which doesn’t have a county lands board, thanks to a court injunction from a resident from this county.”

Last week, a Nairobi court ruled that Jama unlawfully sacked three executives.

The Employment and Labour Relations Court directed that Mukhtar Bulale (Water), Alah Yakub (Environment) and Trade’s Idriss Mukhtar be paid their dues, including salaries for 24 months, immediately.

Jama has another case in which he is accused of not complying with procurement procedures when executing a contract with the Kenya Red Cross E-plus for ambulance services, a service which did not take off.

The governor urged non-residents to vote for him based on his track record. He promised to consider them during appointments in his administration. Jama said Garissa is a cosmopolitan town that requires a leader to unite all the communities and foster peace.



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