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Somalia inaugurates its first bomb disposal squad in decades

Hiiraan Online
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

MOGADISHU (HOL) ---Somalia’s government has introduced its first anti-mining squad Wednesday after more than two decades of conflict with remnants of war have wreaked havoc on the lives of many, by blowing off limbs or gravely wounding people whose injuries and devastated lives indicated the urgency of finding such a team.

Somalia’s security minister Abdirizak Omar Mohamed has opened the ceremony in which well-trained de-mining workers performed their skills by disarming a synthetic bomb buried at the scene.

Somalia’s police chief Gen. Mohamed Sh. Hassan praised the new squad dedicated to countering the most deadly weapon in the war-torn horn of Africa nation --- the improvised explosive device (IED).

“You are a big hope for Somalia.” He told the squad wearing visors and protective vest on their chests.

There are no available figures for the scale of explosive contamination in Somalia, as some areas in the country are inaccessible for the UN or the new Somali anti mine workers to scan of conflict leftovers.

Clearing mines is significant for this country which is one of the world’s most contaminated places, because of the prolonged conflict. The horn of Africa is recovering from decades of war. The country has a government recognized by the world community. European ambassadors have been named for a country that long missed a functioning government.

“It’s a very encouraging development – this squad can save countless lives in future.” said Mr. Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, Somalia’s security minister.

Violence has dramatically dropped in Somalia over the last two years after militants who were launching daily attacks against the African Union troops and Somali forces were ousted. However, the Al-Qaeda-linked group still continues to carry out bombings in the city which is reeling from decades of conflict.


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