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London-based charity distributes food aid to IDPs in Somali capital

Hiiraan Online
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - A London-based Somali charity, the Alpha Trust Organization has distributed food aid to hundreds of internally-displaced families in Wadajir district southwest of Somali capital Mogadishu On Sunday.

This was the first such aid assistance by the London-based charity and was benefitted by thousands of vulnerable people including disabled, starving children and as well as elderly people.

The IDPs thanked the charity leaders for understanding their needs and coming back to the country to help them. “We have been experiencing tougher life conditions here with no one coming to help us for nearly a year” a woman told the charity leader Dahir Ali Kulmie as he sat among several elderly people mostly women in their late 60s.

Wadajir district commissioner Ahmed Abdulle Afrah said that his administration was very grateful to Alpha Trust organization and its young leaders for coming from thousands of miles to help the IDPs in the district including some who were on the verge of starving to death.

“Taking advantage from this opportunity I would like to call on other aid organization to follow behind the steps of Alpha Trust organization” the commissioner said adding that his administration will guarantee the safety of the aid workers in his territory.

Alpha Trust organization chairman Mr. Dahir Ali Kumlie who talked to the media during the food aid distribution service, said that his charity came to the country to assist the needy people.

“This will not be our last step and we are promising to continue helping our people as much as we can” said Mr. Kulmie who is also the chairman of Somali Sporting community in the UK.

“We have served as sporting volunteers in the past, but after having seen the humanitarian problems that our people are undergoing, we decided to establish the charity” Mr. Kulmie expressed.

The aid distribution comes several days after the founder and the chairman of the charity Dahir Ali Kulmie and members of the executive board Abdisalam Moumin and Shiine Yare arrived in the capital.

HOL English News Desk


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