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UN Envoy welcomes Himan and Heeb signing of new administration in central Somalia

For Immediate Release: 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed the addition of Himan and Heeb as a signatory to an agreement in principle to form a regional administration in central Somalia.

Parties to the agreement, initially signed by other stakeholders on 30 July, have agreed to work together towards the establishment of a new administration in central Somalia. 

“I welcome the addition of Himan and Heeb as a signatory to this first step in the process of state formation in central Somalia,” SRSG Kay said. “I congratulate all three signatories and the Federal Government of Somalia on the important progress in the path towards peace- and state-building”. 
“I urge parties to the agreement to engage in constructive consultation and reconciliation involving all stakeholders, ensuring that the interests of both emerging and existing administrations are protected,” he added. “As a witness to the agreement, the United Nations is committed to supporting its implementation and to Somalia’s overall peace- and state-building goals,” Mr. Kay said. 


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