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Kenya sends 91 Somalis to Mogadishu amid crackdown

Thursday, April 17, 2014

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) –  Kenya's police chief says 91 Somali nationals have been deported to Mogadishu.

The deportations are part of a massive security operation being carried out by Kenyan police in Somali neighborhoods of Nairobi.

Police Chief David Kimaiyo said Thursday that 91 Somali nationals were sent to Mogadishu. This follows the deportation of 82 Somalis last week.

The security sweep is ostensibly to look for terrorism suspects and illegal aliens, but residents and rights groups say the police are shaking down residents and physically and sexually abusing some.

Omar bin Omar, a resident in Nairobi's Somali enclave of Eastleigh, said men with beards who wear clothes associated with Islam are being targeted.

The operation was launched this month following a series of terror attacks in Nairobi and the coastal city of Mombasa.

Source: AP


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