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Somalia: Displaced Somalis Report High Risk of Vulnerability
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Somalis in refugee camps in Somalia and Ethiopia lack adequate security, food and healthcare, international relief agency Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said in a report released Wednesday (February 13th).

"As the Somalia government and the international community look to a brighter future in Somalia with a focus on stability and development, we cannot forget that many thousands of people are still exposed to extreme levels of violence and in need of emergency life-saving assistance," MSF operations manager Joe Belliveau said.

The "Hear My Voice" report draws on testimonies from more than 800 Somali patients of MSF, more than half of whom reported a high risk of vulnerability and fear of returning to their homes. Another third said food shortage was the main cause of their displacement.

MSF said humanitarian assistance must be continue to be prioritised in large parts of south-central Somalia, and it must remain independent of any political agenda.


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