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Woman says Somali cab driver helped save her life

Wave 3 (NBC)
Monday, November 26, 2012

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LOUISVILE, KY (WAVE) - She said a cab driver saved her life after a devastating crash a few weeks ago. Now, she's on a mission to try to find him.

She knows he's a yellow cab driver and she knows his first name, but that is all. Margaret Ann Underwood showed pictures of the mangled car she survived in when it crashed on November 12. She said she was at Breckenridge Lane at Dutchman's Lane waiting for a green light.
"All of a sudden, this impact hit the back of my car," she said.
The car was forced up on its side. Underwood was trapped inside.
"I just kept saying 'oh God. Oh God,'" she explained. "And I came to a stop."
As cars passed by she thought of her grandson and family.
"I thought I will never get to see him again," Underwood said. "I will never get to see my daughter and my son. All that flashed in front of me."
She said a cab driver stopped and got out.
She said the cab driver, "Crawled in the passenger side where the glass was broken. My seat belt was holding me in place. So, I was in this position," As she held her hands sideways demonstrating what position her body was in, inside the car. "And he crawled in and held my head up to be even with my body."
He held her head up asking if she was ok until emergency crews arrived. He told crews he had only one pair of shoes. Underwood said his first name is "Bob" and that he's from Somalia.
"So, that's all I know. But, to this day I know that he was sent there to be my guardian angel," she said. "Because I would not be able to sit here and tell you this story today if it wasn't for him."
She wasn't hurt, but now she just wants to find him.
"My desire is just to know his name," she said. "To help him in some way. If he needs it monetarily, or a couple pair of shoes. Just something to let him know how grateful I am."
Grateful for a mystery man she said helped save her life. WAVE 3 did stop by the Yellow Cab Company. The company president said the company is trying to find the cab driver. As soon as the cab driver is found, WAVE 3 will let you and Margaret Ann know.


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