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Kenyan PM urges S. Korea to support peace in Somalia
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Prime Minister Raila Odinga urged the Korean government Monday to support the ongoing efforts to restore peace in Somalia and the feuding nations of Sudan.

He asked the visiting South Korean premier Kim Hwang to help the establishment of a legitimate state in war ravaged Somalia to contain the insecurity menace posed by terrorist cells and pirates in the horn of Africa.

"We call upon the south Korea to be steadfast in support for the reconstruction in Somalia and demanding stability and peace in the Sudans" the premier said.

He stressed on the need for the two nations to strengthen their ties on security issues to detect and deter any threats posed by terrorist groups and pirates.

Odinga who hosted a dinner party of the visiting Premier said co operation between the two nations was of mutual benefit to both parties and said Kenyans had a lot to share and learn from the "economic miracle" that transformed Korea into an industrialized nation.

"Korea is well known for transforming the lives of its people through very revolutionary rural sector agrarian policies put the country on the path to self sufficiency in food and other areas" he said.

The Premier said local farmers will increase exports of agricultural products to Korea where  the countries continue to buy  manufactured products.

"We will be able to buy more of your Hyundais and KIAs and Samsung while you buy our tea , beef and coffee" he said.

Odinga who was accompanied by his wife Ida odinga said the country was looking forward for Koreans to invest in flagship projects under the vision 2030 programme.

"We want the Koreans investment in flagship projects under the vision 2030 like the LAPSSET, development of three berths and associated infrastructures for the Lamu port at Manda Bay"  Odinga said.

Prime Minister Hwang who  jetted into the country aboard the first direct flight from Seoul to Nairobi after Korea introduce the unique scheduled   pledged to expand the partnership to other fields of  cooperation.


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