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Olympic hero Mo Farah mobbed by Kingston shoppers

Mo Farah outside the Ram on Thursday afternoon
Kingston Guardian
By Nazia Dewji
Friday, August 17, 2012

Double Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah was mobbed and cheered by crowds when he went out shopping in Kingston yesterday.

You might think after his exertions in the 10,000m and 5,000m races in London 2012 he would be putting his feet up at home.

But the athlete, who was born in Somalia, took time out to shop around Kingston, visiting the Vodafone shop, Starbucks and Jamie’s Italian with his wife.

Anita Bhalla, 25, who works at the Cooperative Bank in High Street spotted the Olympian outside the Ram pub.

She said: “There were a few people around him but within minutes he was being mobbed by crowds. “Police even came out. People were asking for autographs and pictures.

“He was very nice and friendly. He had time for everyone.”

Ahsan Khan tweeted: “Wow, Mo Farah popped in Vodafone Kingston yesterday where my younger brother works... They had a good ol chin wag... for 2hrs! What a Champ!”

Another tweet by Rix said: “Just saw Mo Farah in Kingston! What a don. #Olympics2012.”

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