2/6/2025 today from hiiraan online :  _


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    biyo-kulule @ 7/10/2010 8:29 PM EST
 Nobel-prize-winning article. Waa qoraal fiican, sax ah , macaan oo cilmiyaysan..
Allah ha kuu ziyaadiyo aqoonta. Ha ka daalin wax sheegga, wax qorista iyo wacyi gelinta cid uun baa ku dhegaysan doontee.
    subagle @ 7/10/2010 10:38 AM EST
 Dr. This article worth a more than USD 1Billion and intelectuals need to act uppon it. This is an areas where we, the socalled educated people can intervene to have healthy somali people in the future and I am sure it is something which can be can be achieved. Thanks a lot
    baghdad bob @ 7/9/2010 11:18 PM EST
 Thank you DR Ali for you wonderful work of bringing higher education to the people of somalia. May Allah rewrd you in the best possible way.
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