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Reject a President and Parliament elected through bribe and nepotism

Abdisalam Garjeex
Saturday, October 15, 2016

It is incomprehensible to our human mind in this era that a President of a re-emerging post-conflict society is elected by paying bribes to so-called elected officials in a broad day light. Back-door handling and corruption is the norm; it’s done without feeling any remorse. The Last presidential election in 2012 is a perfect example of this phenomenon, the bribes were distributed in the same premises where the election was held.

What can a President elected in this manner accomplish; one thing is for sure “he doesn’t have the interest of the Somali people at heart” and most likely he is either an agent of a foreign Government or a crook. Don’t elect a president who wants to use the meager resources of the poor women and

children, who suffered a quarter of century of violence and displacement for travel abroad and stay in comfortable hotels or misappropriate the tax revenue for his own ends – this leader will put Somalia up for sale. He will sell the nation for few thousand dollars when many of our youngsters are lost in high seas in search of better lives. Never accept a Presidential aspirant taking orders from the neighboring states (Ethiopia and Kenya) or one who makes a claim that he is backed by America, the European community and United Nations or a guy who carries a big suitcase full of American Dollars provided by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Don’t trust a would-be president who would tell you:-

·         the next president should come from one of the major clans, the residents of Mogadishu

·         Mogadishu belongs to a particular clan and all others are guests.

·         I’m supported by big businesses, telecommunication investors, religious leaders and money transfer owners – they all have common purpose of keeping the country without strong government, their intentions are “don’t pay taxes and grab lands and properties of the government and the private people”.

·         During the civil war, people who murder, rob and loot public and private properties are freedom fighters – no one will take this as an acceptable behavior.

·         We will build Regional States to fulfill the constitutional requirement, but his intention is to nominate cronies who will select immoral deputies for the house so they can vote for him.

·         I will fight with Al-shabaab and terrorist organizations, but he is part of the dark forces, collaborates with them in their common ulterior motives. Lack of security and rule of law is a convenience not only for Al-shabaab but for AMISON forces as well. They will remain in Somalia indefinitely.

·         It’s in the name of Somali interest to agree resolving the land and sea disputes with neighboring countries like Kenya or Ethiopia – his hidden agenda is staying in power at any cost and perhaps receiving money and favors from these leaders.

The best course of action is that we wake up from our deep sleep and reclaim our nation, after-all, this is our god given country – we are the sons and daughters of this forgotten land. We have to rise above the divisions and mistrust among us; it’s about time we mobilize and demonstrate for the liberation of our land from the outside enemies and the enemies within. We have to sacrifice our lives recovering our dignity, freedom, unity and sovereignty. We have to reject the deceptions and the flawed processes of electing Parliamentarians, Presidents and regional states. We have to continue to struggle until we find genuine community leaders who will protect our people, our land and lead us into stable and functioning society – it is then that I will be able to say with pride in my heart that  “I’m Somali” – waxaan ahay Somali.

Abdisalam Garjeex
Ashburn – Virginia (USA)
[email protected]


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