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Solution to Prevent Turmoil in Africa

Teresa Studzinski and Dr. David Leffler
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Over the years, many African countries have suffered from turmoil. Tensions are particularly high in the DR Congo, Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan. Conflict and violence could soon spill over into bordering countries. If African militaries were to implement Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), the unrest could end. Extensive research shows that IDT, a scientifically verified approach, statistically predicts decreased violence, increased stability, and improvement in standard indicators of the quality of life.

Previous attempts to squelch turmoil by most leaders of African countries were based largely on conjecture, and such was their outcome. It is particularly dangerous to base actions on guesswork. A massive regional firestorm could erupt.

There is an option - a scientifically-validated approach to effectively, efficiently, and quickly end turmoil. If African leaders have the political will to order their militaries to deploy an unusual but effective approach, they no longer need to base actions on guesses.

For political reasons, many African, and not only African, militaries have ignored this unified field-based approach. Despite the success of IDT deployment by Latin American militaries, these militaries are utilizing an obsolete military model. They continue to rely almost solely on outdated non-unified field-based weaponry, rather than on the IDT prevention-based approach. A Harvard Ph.D. thesis is dedicated to the issue describing how renowned conflict resolution experts initially reacted to the IDT solution. One third of the experts rejected statistical research a priori, saying "science had nothing to do with their job." One third rejected the statistical research because the experiments and field tests challenged their personal beliefs.

This proven method of violence removal is based on peer-reviewed research. The approach has been field-tested by militaries and validated by 23 studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Based on 25 years of research, it has been endorsed by independent scientists and scholars.

Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) is a preventive defense system that creates a biological phenomenon of coherence affecting all the fighting parties, which leads to stability and abundance. The phenomenon is believed to work on the level of the unified field, where all the forces of nature are united. This defense technology supersedes all others based on weaker electronic, chemical, and nuclear forces.

IDT involves creating Preventive Wings of the Military. Their warrior's daily routine includes two hours twice a day practice of a human resource-based technology, also known and researched as the Transcendental Meditation and its advanced TM-Sidhi program. As a military societal coherence-creating unit, they quietly practice these programs for about two hours, twice a day, seven days a week, preferably in a secure location near the targeted population. Their presence and operation does not need to be disclosed to achieve the effect of violence removal and conflict resolution.

The 23 studies carried out in developed and developing nations in all continents, including the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, constitute the largest and the most successful experiment in social sciences of the 20th century.

Such coherence-creating groups have achieved positive benefits to society, shown statistically, in even just 48 hours. Modern statistical methods used in this research preclude chance or coincidence.

The IDT approach was used during wartime (drop in fighting and in number of deaths and casualties, progress toward resolving the conflict), and in peace (drop in crime rate, drop in violent death index, decrease of misery index, drop in unemployment, rise in a quality of life index). Societies using it perform extremely well in a very short time. This is what decreased the intensity of war in Lebanon in 1984 in a dramatic way in 48 hours, to name only one of the successful experiments.

In 1992, President Joaquim Chissano, Lt. Gen. Tobias Dai, and the Chiefs of Staff of the Mozambique military carefully analyzed the IDT research. They made a unanimous decision to adopt it for their country by training about 3,000 soldiers and 16,000 police.

As predicted, violence disappeared by 1993. Societies using these groups also become more self-sufficient. For instance, in Mozambique the economic growth reached 19%. Once the poorest world country in 1992, by 2000 it had moved up to be the world's fastest-growing economy.

History has been shaped by technological innovation that was radical at the time. The Roman Empire developed a revolutionary sword. British soldiers used their new menacing muskets. The German war machine required fast engines burning fossil fuels to launch their Blitzkrieg. Powerful atomic weapons as well as the flying devices that carry them have greatly influenced political decisions since World War II.

Such technological innovation is taking place now. At least one Latin American country is training 11,000 military IDT experts. The historical ramifications of this are profound. According to previous research, this number will create a global effect of coherence. By accessing the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, this military IDT group will harness the most powerful force in the universe, and hence become the most powerful military in the world - simply by creating a peaceful influence.

If African leaders really desire to move their continent towards prosperity and peace, they should have the courage to order their militaries to use IDT. If they quickly act, Africans throughout the continent can live in peaceful coexistence and collectively help to create lasting world peace.

Teresa Studzinski is the President and Co-founder of The Global Alliance for Preventive Wings in the Military, a 501(c)(3) organization, and CEO of Technology and Transformation LLC. Teresa is an Expert in the Unified Field Technology - IDT Social and Military Application and a member of The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association - AFCEA International. She is also a businesswoman and formerly investigative journalist, member of The Foreign Press Association in New York and The National Press Club in Washington, D.C., she travelled widely to interview such political figures as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger, and many others.

Dr. David Leffler is the author of "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising - Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace." He received his Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense (Invincible Defense Technology - IDT) from The Union Institute & University in Cincinnati. Dr. Leffler was a member of the US Air Force for nearly nine years. He is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute and served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Dr. Leffler now serves as the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) and teaches IDT. He is on Twitter.


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