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Nadiifo Culusow and her song to her six month old

By Dr. Abdirahman beileh
Sunday, July 12, 2009

As we Somalis go through many Junes and Julys ( National Independence  months) , we hope for a better June and July the following year but, sadly,  things  only continue to  get worse. Every year brings more misery and tragedy  than the last, with news of horrific events emerging  all the time.  Of course, some of us,  perhaps the majority of us oblivious to the reality on the ground and totally blinded by trivial issues , live in utter denial of the situation. With sad inevitability, we must realize we are a wasted generation . Somalis as a recognized and distinct African Ethnic group may no longer exist 25-30 years from now,  if the current trend of lawlessness and bloodshed continues. And this  is all of our own making. No amount of blaming of others will change the reality, so let us get  real for once!!

Here is a story in a lullaby, sung by Nadiifo Culusow to her six-month old son, Hanad Abdullahi Mohamed, as he lay dying on her lap, under the shade of a tree on the outskirts of Mogadishu, sometime early last year. Nadiifo, her teenage daughter Khadija, her husband Abdullahi and her teenage son,  Hassan, are working in their small shop at the Bakara market in Mogadishu. It is late in the evening and they are about to close. Then some 5-6 armed men kick their door open, they ransack the place and start shooting. They immediately kill the husband and seriously injure Hassan. They then start gang raping Khadija and her mom Nadiifo. After  completing their rape and looting,  they take khadija and leave.  Nadiifo, who has passed out, opens her eyes some 30 minutes later. She is drowsy and semi conscious. She quickly  grabs little Hanad who has now stopped crying. She opens the door, looks around and confirms the death of her husband but cannot see the rest of her family. A trail of blood out of the door indicates that  Khadija and Hassan have left the dukaan bleeding. She tries to collect herself, struggles to get up with Hanad in her arms,  looks outside and sees neighbors, all in a state of panic, fleeing. She staggers out of the shop and starts  walking with the flow.

Some sixteen hours later, Nadiifo finds herself under a tree with a group of other women, some of whom arrived earlier. There are some corpses around and lots of vultures feeding on them.  Night falls and fear grows as  vultures and wild scavenging animals get dangerously closer to these helpless people, the vultures   sometimes stabbing with their beaks to test if the weak and wounded are dead yet.

Hanand is no longer able to play or even cry. He is too hungry and too tired. His movements are becoming increasingly limited. This is a tremendous worry to Mom. Eventually he does start crying in desperation, with hunger and pain. Nadiifo, as any responsible Somali mother would do, tries to sing  for him.  She is in a great pain herself and can hardly raise her voice. But motherly responsibility dictates that she sings to him. In Somali culture, a lullaby is talking to the child, telling him/her  about the heroes of the family, his father, uncles  and siblings, how bright his/her future is, and all the good things in life.

This challenge of their desperate plight does not deter Nadifo  from singing a song. She tells him about the situation as it is: dire, dangerous  and about the reality that they may not make it to the next morning!! 

If you think that this song does not do justice to the situation and I am limited by my knowledge of the language. I plead guilty. I have been away for too long. I invite Somali poets and song writers to kindly come to my rescue and do a piece.

So, here it is:  Nadiifo Cullusow and her lullaby to her son Hanad .

1.                   Hobeeyaa hobeehey hobeeheeyaa

2.                   Hooyo hobeeyaa hobeey hobeehey yaaaa


3.    hooyo maarkaad hanadoow  gamaarto

4.    markaan hugunkaaga waayo

5.            Markaad hinqanweydo gaajo

6              Markaad hidinweydo sheeko

7.            Hadaaqu markuu yaraado

8.            Ayuu hadaw igu shidmaae

9.            Wadnuhu hoos ii go’aaye

10.          ha ooyine hoo aammus


11.          Waxaad beerka uga higgootay

12.          Harraad iyo gaajo weeyi

13.          Intaan subag kugu habaayey

14.          Horaaddada kuu salaaxay

15.          Intaan harag kuu bisleeyey

16.          Haddaan heliwaayey caawa

17.          Wixii aan hidin karaayo

18.          hooyiyo waa caadadeede

19           Bal aan hees kugu qaboojo

20.          Ha ooyine hooyo aamus

21.          Hobeyaa hobeey hobeeheeyaa

22.          Hooy iyo aqal baan lahayne

23.          Halyey odayaan lahayne

24.          Habliyo dhallin baan lahayne

25.          Shaqiyo hanti baan lahayne

26.          Intiiba halkaan ka joognno

27.          Hilbii inanteenna suubban

28.          Markuu haadku iga boobay

29.          Markii inankayga Haybe

30.          Haanrraawuhu iga dul qaatay

31.          Habliyo wiil waxaan danbbaabay

32.          Halyeygii aabbahaa

33.          Adoo keliyaan hayaae

34           heddeenna Allaan U dhiibay


34.          Wixii aan hidin karaayo

35.          hooyiyo waa caadadeede

36           Bal aan hees kugu qaboojo

37           Ha ooyine hooyo aamus

38.          Hobeeyaa hobeey hobeeheeyaa

39.          hooggeenniyo baylahdeennaa

40.          Haddeer cidladaan yaxoobnno

41.          Waxaa haad iyo waraabe

42.          kurtii ina habar dugaagga

43.          Hanrrawe innoo shiraaya

44.          inuu helbeenna quuto

45.          Habeenka sugaaya caawa

46.          dhammaan lagu soo heshiiyey

47.          Wuxu hilibkayku qaadhay

49.          Waxaan ilmo hililiqleeyey

50.          Annoo hinqanwaaya daaye

 51.         Aniga hourddo iima taallo

52.          Heddeenna allaan u dhiibay

53           Wixii aan hidin karaayo

54.          hooyiyo waa caadadeede

55.          Bal aan hees kugu qabbojo

56.          Ha ooyine hooyo aamus


57.          Hobeeyaa hobeeheey   hobeeheeyaa

58.          Hummaagga wax baan arkaaye

59.          Hirbaa meel iiga muuqda

60.          Hillaacbaa ii baxaaya

61.          Dhibaatada haysa beesha

62.          Waxaa cadow nagu hareersan

63.          inu rabbi nooga hiisho

64.          Inuu kor innaga hadheeyo

65.          Balaayo innaga hagoogo

66.          Heddeenna inuu badbaadsho

67.          Habeenkale noogu deysto

68.          inuu hogol soo darrorsho

69.          habaaskiyo dhiigga maydha

70.          howraarsan ma ii tidhaahdid


71.          Wixii aan hidin karaayo

72.          hooyiyo waa caadadeede

73.          Bal aan hees kugu qaboojo

74.          Ha ooyine hooyo aamus


75     Hobeeheey hobeeheey hobeeheeyaa

76     Wixii dalka hooyo gaadhay

77     Halyeyyo wixi ka lee’day

78     Wixii hoobiye is dhaafay

79     Waxay xabbaddu is hadhaysay

80     Xaggee la innaga haabaaray

81     Danteen uma soo hongoobin

82     Wax kale uma soo hanqaarmin

83     Wixi hanti reerka taallay

84     Wixaan harrar iyo Dreemo

85     Xariir ku habeeyey raarta

86     Adduunyo waxaynnu haynnay

87     Haylahan madhan baan wataae

88     Adoo keliyaan hayaa e

89     Heddeenna Allaan U dhiibay


90                     Wixii aan hidin karaayo

91                     hooyiyo waa caadadeede

92                     Bal aan hees kugu qaboojo

93                     Ha ooyine hooyo aamus


94     Hobeeheey hobeeyheeyaa

95     Haddaad hanadoow badbaaddo

96     Hadduu kuu hiisho eebbe

97     Iskuullo haddii ad aaddo

98     Wixii  horor iyo warraabe

99     Cadaawe inoo heshiiyey


100  Haanrraawe dadkeenna boobay

100 Wuxuu dhiiggeenna heenshay

101 Wuxuu ku hiraabtay jiidhka

102  isoo wada haadinteeda

103  Ogaanta wixii hallaabay

104  Wixii hirgalee ka cayntay


105 Maxaa hawl kuu dambbeysa

106 Haddaad geedkiyo hadhkiisa

107  Hoobeey ugu yeedho beesha

108  Haasaawe gobeed bilowdo

109  Hillaac ku salaysan geeddi

110  Horweynta tidhaa ku daaji

111  Amma ad ku hammooto aarsi

112  Dagaalka u  heensa  qaaddo

113  Adduunka hareereheenna

114  Markay habarwacasho gaadho

115  Dad kale waxba haysku hawlin

116  Djibouti ka raadi hiillo

117  Hubaal olloggeenna weeyi

118  Hilbaha iyo jiidhka weeyi

119  Alloo soo hadeeya daaye

120  Qof kale hoo kama filaayo

121  Darbbaa ishambbaraacinteenna

122  Hogeenniyo baabe’eenna

123  Hoggaanli’idenna maanta

124  Inay talo faro ka haaddo

125  Inaaan dulligaa ahaanno

126  Darbbaan talo kaleba haynne

127   Haleelo ku maala taase

128  Haasaawiyo sheekakadooda

129  Inaad hansalkaba ka qaaddo

130  Kuwaa waxba ha u helloobin


131  Intaa sasan hidin karaaye

132  Ducaan kuu xambbaarshey hooyo

133  Hortaadiyo baallahaaga

134  Hoodaan ku dallaalimeeyey

135  Heddeenna Allaan u dhiibay

136  Ha ooyine hooyo aamus


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