Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Elastic Somali Politics Lacks Leadership

by Ismail Mohamed
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One of the things we like or hate about Somali politics is its elasticity, complexity and flexibility that morphs with times and endlessly reinvents itself with times for the wrong reasons, to make sense of its senseless sense of direction requires philosophical understanding.

 After independence from colonial  it  endorsed multi party politics or democracy, it is universally advocated system  most of the nations  practice others are following with the limited approach to suit their  strategic national interest , it has constitutions that protects rule of law,  advocates multi party politics, free market oriented economy, the right of ownership and personal liberty.  That system could not work  in early stages of  nationhood as the corruption, nepotism, division became rampant, its failure could be also attributed the new nation did not have enough  educated intellectuals, technocrats , civil servants  and institutions to nurture  infant nation in order to make  foundation for a prosperous and stable government.

Stateless politics or the end of the nation state, the oppositions that has overthrown the regime, did not have an agenda, command structure, hierarchy and policies to run the country.  The central government ceased to exist.  The anarchy and lawless was the rule of the day, the mixture of tribal politics, the ego to dominate one another was the end game.  The life of the ordinary citizen become unbearable,  as the institutions that served them  well in the past were no longer there, they could not cope being the citizen of failed state, enduring vicious cycle of violence , poverty ,despair and disappointment. They demanded recreation and rebuilding of the nation.

After numerous attempt by international community to bring together the warring factions to agree to form a broad based transitional federal  government  , they have  finally agreed to distribute the power among the tribal lines 4.5 formula , it was the only time they  formed effective  central government hence it has adopted the tribal politics. The last two administrations created from it were not able to restore the authority and credibility of the central government, the tribal politics was another failed system.

Currently there is weak government with enlarged parliament that intends to rule the country the Sharia or the Islamic law, some groups are opposing, continuing to wage a war against it in order to over throw, in the midst and mist of the challenges why Somali politicians, groups and parties cannot agree any common goal to lead the country?, even using the Shari law cannot bring unity, stability to rebuild the system.

Somalis are no longer the harmonious and homogeneous society once it was, among them there are progressive liberals, global citizens, gender politics, pirates, conservatives, moderates and radicals, the notion and the mindset to suggest these are  western labels are not realistic, just google the web it will not be long before you encounter  Somalis associating with one those groups. so how could we find a leadership that converges and conforms with those opposing groups, ideas  and  values , harnesses  diversity , that is prepared to face  the challenges of the twenty first century country  faces which includes but  not confined : Global worming , depleting fish stocks , prolonged drought,  soil erosion, desertification and killer diseases.   Any system can govern the people if it has the right leadership or politics that is conscious lacks ego, greed, nepotism, promotes fairness, equality, transparency, accountability, tolerance and respect among its citizens. Somali politics needs right leadership if that is not emerge any time soon our existence as country and ethnicity will be in harms way.

Diaspora community is partially to blame for this disastrous ongoing civil anarchy, we are all good at writing about our beloved country as an audience all we do is to  read and ignore,  what we need collectively as people of Somalia  is to have our country in our own hand by challenging those failed leaders, Somalia needs popular up rising to depose hardliners , self declared looters likes of warlords, inexperience uneducated class and tribal leaders to  replace them with more progressive leadership, visionary with accountable governance. We need to act quickly by standing up to this anarchy, lets all start holding demonstrations all over the world by voicing our concern with our failed leaders, in 2005 the Orange revolutions started in Ukraine, to make long story short, as a result of popular uprising by the people of Ukraine government was deposed and replaced with more progressive administration, are we ready for this? Are we ready to act? Let us hope Diaspora community recognizes the people's power and in one day we will act, if not it would be a supreme cruel irony and consensus collective failure  in which our children will be ashamed to call themselves Somali!!!

Ismail Mohamed
[email protected]


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