Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Geerida Axmed Nuur Jaangow

by Abdi-Noor Mohamed
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Waxaa mar dhow i soo gaartay geerida Fannanki caanka ahaa ee Axmed Nuur Jaango oo ka mid ahaa fannaanniti aan weli ka bixin dalka. Axmad Nuur samir iyo iimaan Allaha naga siiyo. Waxaana tacsi u dirayaa dhammaan ummadda Somaliyeed gaar ahaan xaaskiisa Sahra Cilleeye iyo dhammaan carruurti uu ka geeriyooday, meel kastoo ay joogaan.


I have two poems dedicated to Axmad Nur Jangow oo midka hore aan u dirayo xaaskiisa sahra midka kalena aan u dirayo dadkeena Somaaliyeed oo inta badan qofka u gargaarin marka uu qabo dhibaatooyin dhaqaale laakin markuu dhinto ilmada quba oo ka xumaada geeridiisa.


I feel quite upset with the news but it is amar Ilaah ee please iga raali noqda haddii aan isku dhexdaray af-somali iyo ingiriis.




To whoever it occurs

Be it a man or woman

Too old or too young

Death is a tragedy

A disaster

A painful loss

Though never experienced

We believe in the theory of dying

It is an event awaiting happening
Life and death go in conjunction
In the shadow of life death hides

And in the mirror of life

Death is reflected
If life is an eternal sea of happiness
Death is the shoreline of misery
Times change much as sands shift
Noloshu waa xaq, geeriduna waa xaq

Waana in lagu samraa amarka Alle
Axmad Nuur Allaha u naxariisto



Dead Souls


When he was alive
When he needed help
Nobody cared for him
Now when he is dead
When his slender body
That shining ebony
With the majestic build

Is fitted well in the coffin

They shed tears for him
Not for the deceased only
But for themselves as well
For they carry dead souls
Inside their living bodies 


Fanaanninta Somaliyeed gaar ahaan intooda qurbaha joogta waxaa la gudboon in ay xaaski iyo carruurti uu Axmad ka tegay ay bal wax uun isugu daraan una diraan. Ciddii kale ee kala qeybqaadaneysana ay soo dhoweeyaan



Abdi-Noor Mohamed

Writer and film maker

Gävle, Sweden 


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