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Beledweyne CID chief killed in Al Shabaab car bomb attack

Monday January 16, 2023

 CID chief of the Beledweyne Police Station, Jamal Ahmed Jama killed today in Halgan explosion

Beleweyne (HOL) - A car bomb exploded in Hiiraan's Halgan district, killing the CID chief of the Beledweyne Police Station, Jamal Ahmed Jama, and injuring two men from local anti-Shabaab clan militia forces on Monday.

The Toyota Noah minivan loaded with explosives targeted a Ma'awisley clan militia security checkpoint in the center of Hiiraan’s Halgan district.

According to security officials, the militia opened fire on the suicide car bomber from a safe distance, forcing the bomber to detonate his device prematurely before reaching the government security forces headquarters.

Although no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, officials have blamed the Al Qawda-linked militant insurgency group al Shabab.

At least 30 people were killed in an al Shabaab triple suicide bomb attack in Hiiraan's Buluburte and Jalalaqsi districts on Saturday. Eighteen people - including 14 civilians - were killed in Buluburte after an Al Shabaab suicide bomber set off a car bomb near the town's main mosque.


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