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Armed men sodomise young boy in IDP camp in Mogadishu

Tuesday September 15, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Two armed men in military uniform Friday sodomised a young boy in a displaced person’s camp in Mogadishu the same day a 19-year-old girl was gangraped and thrown off a high-rise building for death.

According to the mother who spoke to the media, two men broke into her house Friday night by cutting through the iron-sheet wall.

“I peeped in a hole and saw two men in military uniform breaking into my house,” the mother only identified as Fardowsa said. “I tip-toed out of the house leaving my son who was asleep. One of them fired in the air when he suspected people were coming around and fled.”

Neighbours stormed the place and found one of the armed men who had allegedly sodomised  the boy drunk and with bottles of alcohol, a scissor among an assortment of items, sources said. He also had a gun.

The suspect is currently in custody at the CID headquarters.

Doctors at Medina Hospital in Mogadishu confirmed the young boy was sodomised.

The mother said she suspected the men intended to rape her. The incident happened in Djibouti village in Shangani district.

The incident adds to increasing number of rape and sodomy in the country.

A madrassa teacher and a 12-year-old boy were separately sodomised in Baidoa early this month by a group of men in the town.

The madrassa teacher later died. Following the incident, two men were executed.


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