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Russia-Tanzania trade commission underway

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tanzania and Russia are expected to launch a joint commission on trades in the next two months in what appears to be a move to revive ties that went into inertia over the past two decades following split of the Soviet Union.

Tanzanian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Bernard Membe and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov said in Moscow Friday that their governments would sign the establishment of the Tanzanian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation in the first quarter of this year.

The commission that aims at boosting trade and investment between the two countries is also expected to act as a motivating factor for extending Russia’s ties with Africa.

"Time has now come for AU (The African Union) to implement its decision to open an office in Moscow to allow continuous discussions on this agenda. It is our hope that your government will facilitate the process for our mutual benefit," Membe who is in Moscow in a two-day visit told his host, Lavrov.
Africa’s relations with Russia, a legal successor to the 16-Republic Soviet Union which was split in 1991 experienced inertia as the need to draw a new political, economic and trade road-map arose following new political dynamics in both sides.

"Although the volume of trades between our two countries has increased to $52 million for Tanzania and $60 million for Russia, it is still not enough; We can do better," said Membe, noting a considerable decline of trade turnouts between the two countries over the past two decades.

But the Commission will provide the needed platform for the two countries to conduct regular forums which in turn will increase trade and investment opportunities, said Lavrov. The last bilateral investment forum between the two countries was held in 2009.

The commission will also assist in promoting the fast-growing energy sector in Tanzania in which a number of Russian companies have already expressed interest to invest.

Other areas include tourism and education sectors whereby strategies to attract more Russian tourists to Tanzania and to increase number of Tanzanian students in Russia will be developed. 

The two Ministers also agreed to strengthen the military technical cooperation between their countries owing to significant role both countries play in Africa’s peace and conflicts resolution.
Membe hailed Russian Government for its continued support and assistance in resolution of conflicts especially in Somali, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, but also urged Russia to stay on course in promoting Africa's development agenda.

In turn, Lavrov commended Tanzania for her unwavering historical role in promoting and sustaining peace in DRC, South Sudan and other areas in Africa.

The two ministers also agreed to take their countries bilateral relations to greater heights by promoting culture of both countries and interaction between the two peoples.

In a meeting with the Moscow-based African diplomatic corpus Friday, Minister Membe had also an opportunity to brief them on the on-going peace processes in DRC and South Sudan.

He was expected to conclude his two-day official visit yesterday with a meeting with students and Tanzanian expatriate community in Moscow and the surrounding area.


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